Friday, November 6, 2009

The Approval of God or Man?

I was flipping through Tommy Tenney's book "God's Favorite House" when I came across this statement: "If you are a preacher, a teacher, a worship leader, or hold any position of responsibility in the local body, don't waster God's precious anointing by running after man's approval. Use it to prepare the Bride for the King."


The last thing the church needs is a "man pleaser." Too many preachers today are doing their best to keep from provoking people. They work so hard as to not hurt any one's feelings or make someone feel as though they are wrong. This type of mentality is producing churches that do not know what sin looks like.

One particular denomination has adopted the phrase "Open Hears. Open Doors. Open Minds." Isn't that sweet! Why not just put up a banner that says, "We don't care what you do but please grace us with your presence and you will be fully accepted." Maybe it's not quite as catchy.

Folks, I'm all for loving people where they live. I cannot expect the lost to live in any other way than lost. HOWEVER, when it comes to the Body of Christ...that's a different story. If someone has accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior then that someone's life should look like it. I'm not saying that they will be perfect but their life should be different from the lives around them. And it doesn't matter how sweet, nice, and fluffy my sermons are because in the end they won't change.

The purpose of the anointing is to bring God and man together in holy communion. God doesn't anoint us so we can get on TV, receive an invitation to Larry King Live, or to sell books and fill arena's. God anoints us to reach a world for Him. He sets us apart so that we will have a different message than that of the world.

So listen up church leaders: Shake of complacency, loose the idea that you have to accept everyone to love everyone, and don't be afraid of the truth. The truth may hurt feelings but it will set them free.


M.C. Arnold said...

Amen. I couldn't agree more. This is something I've struggled with for years now. Speaking words that might bring conviction is tantamount to speaking hatred, so confrontation is avoided at all costs. Sin falls under the radar and continues to grow, despite the convenient cover we build. Cowardice disguised as tact is crippling. I have literally seen families fall apart because no one cared enough to show them (even lovingly) how to deal with it.

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