Tuesday, August 12, 2014

R.I.P. Robin Williams

I was saddened to hear of the passing of one of my favorite actors. Robin Williams has been a central figure in our culture throughout my life. I grew up watching Mork & Mindy. I have seen so many of his films. Whether he was playing a serious character or allowed to be his wonderful spontaneous self, Williams had the ability to draw us in.

It's not often that I take the time in the blog to recognize actors/actresses. However, Robin Williams' death has impacted me in a way that is hard to describe. It's always tragic to hear of suicide. Always tragic to think that someone lost all hope. In Robin's case we struggle to wrap our minds around the fact that someone who brought so much laughter could be living with so much pain.

Depression is an invisible enemy. It often sneaks in undetected, stays much longer than wanted, and can be deadly if not dealt with appropriately. Over the years I have read of famous pastors/preachers, writers, singers, actors, and athletes who have struggled with depression. That doesn't even figure in the moms, dads, kids, teachers, steel workers, etc. Our challenge is in trying to understand the best way to help the people who are hurting.

Before Jesus left His disciples, He told them to not lose hope. He knew what they were going to endure for the Kingdom. He understood the sacrifice, the struggle, and the loss they would have to go through. He gave them His Spirit as a Comforter. I believe it was this hope that allowed them to do the impossible and endure the horrible persecution. Even in death, these men & women knew it was going to be o.k.

The psalmist declares that God will give us the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness. It's this kind of understanding about the nature of God that reminds us to make the trade. We cannot allow our circumstances to get the best of us. We also cannot always wait for things to get better before we rejoice in Him. There will be times in our life when we will have to praise our way out. There will be times that we will have to laugh our way through some things. Life is full of mountains & valleys. The question will be how we respond to the journey.

As we pray for the family of Robin Williams, let us remember all the laughter that he brought into our lives. Let's be thankful for the charitable work he did, the troops whose spirits were lifted, and the cancer patients who were brought some wonderful encouragement. And let us be mindful of the people in our lives. May we seek to bring encouragement to everyone we encounter.

R.I.P Robin Williams. Thank you for sharing your life with us. You will be missed.

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