Wednesday, October 9, 2013

A God Who Runs

What is your view of God? Is He some far away entity that is somewhat involved in the affairs of human life? Is He just the big rule maker in Heaven that must be obeyed at all cost? Or is He a God who is intimately involved with His creation filled with compassion and love? Your answer will determine how you interact with Him and how you experience Him in your personal life.

Of course those brief glimpses into some of the views of God that are out there cannot accurately portray how a lot of people see Him, but they do give us something to at least consider. Personally, I have chosen to understand God through the portrayal that Jesus gave of Him through His life. Hebrews tells us that Jesus was the exact representation of His being. So it would serve us well to see God through the lens of Jesus.

Another way that we can properly see God is through some of the stories that Jesus told. Out of all of them, one of the greatest is the story of the prodigal.
God - portrayed as the Father
Us - portrayed as the lost Son
In this story, we read about a father who willingly gave his youngest son an inheritance. This son then wasted all of it. Took a job as a pig farmer just to make ends meet and decided that it would be much better to be a servant of his father than to be stuck in his current lifestyle. The son picks himself up, makes the long journey home, and discovers something about the unconditional love of his father. [read it for yourself in Luke 15:11-32]

I had heard a lot of preaching about the youngest son, but it wasn't until I came across the book "Prodigal God" that I began to hear about the father. Now I can't even begin to read this story in the gospels without being blown away by the goodness of God. Think about it:
God is a Father who loves His children
God is a Father who longs to be in the presence of His children
God is a Father who looks past our shortcomings and welcomes us back into fellowship with Himself
Can you imagine how many mornings that the father in this story looked off into the distance just hoping to catch a glimpse of his son? Can you imagine how many times he said to himself "Son, if you would just come back home..."? Can you imagine just how fast he crossed the terrain just to wrap his child in his arms?

This understanding of God is the heartbeat of the gospel message. A God who is intimately involved with the affairs of His children. A God who loves, who gives, who shows compassion, and a God who comes running to us. There is no shame, no guilt, and no condemnation for this child who has come home. Instead, we see celebration, excitement, and great joy.

I'm not sure who or what painted your picture of God. It could have come through your own father. Maybe it came through the church. Or you could have picked up your view of God from Greek/Roman mythology. Regardless of where it came from, if you struggle to understand God through the life, death, burial, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus then you will struggle to know God in His fullness.

My friend Mark Durniak made a statement the other day that is worth repeating:
"Did you ever witness a mom or dad who's child has just been seriously injured, gone missing or taken? They stop at nothing, give everything, to have their child back in their arms safe and healthy, where they belong. Yep, that's the gospel of Jesus."

Allow the good news of Jesus Christ to forever shape your view of God.
Hear His heartbeat.
See His compassion.
Know His love.
Your life will be changed forever!!!

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