The Bible clearly tells us that we are to endeavor to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. However, the church has struggled for centuries to maintain this unity. Arguments over various beliefs, styles of worship, etc. have caused much division in the "Body of Christ." The question remains: Can the church overcome these divisions? I believe we can.
The question no longer needs to be: What are our differences?
The question needs to be: What can we agree upon?
Can we unite in our understanding of God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit?
Can we unite in our understanding of God's Word?
Can we unite in our understanding of Salvation, the Grace of God, and the Work of the Holy Spirit in our lives?
I believe we can!!!
Jesus told His disciples very clearly that the way that the world would know we are His disciples is by our love for one another. If we could re-capture God's unconditional love for us and one another - we could solve the problem of disunity within the Body of Christ. This is true for every individual church and every denomination.
Imagine with me...
Every believer of Jesus Christ walking in their true identity.
Every church united in expanding the Kingdom of God rather than our denominations.
Every person in the world hearing the Good News of the Gospel.
This is possible if we will unite our hearts and our efforts.
The coming revival is: Multi-generational - Multi-cultural - Multi-denominational.
The world is simply waiting for us to show them what WE BELIEVE.
Whose ready?
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