Romans 8:1 (in my opinion) ranks as one of the most quoted verses found in all of Scripture. However, there are far too many who can quote the verse but haven't discovered how to live it. "So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus." {NLT}
The Message Bible provides a wonderful picture of this amazing verse. "Those who enter into Christ...no longer have to live under a continuous, low lying black cloud." While most of us have figured out how to enjoy the freedom from past sin, we continue to struggle under the weight of current failures (the things we have done since we have been saved). Part of the struggle is our religious understanding of repentance and confession. Most of the repentance that has been modeled for us has an Old Testament flavor...you know, sackcloth and ashes; and most people shy away from confession because they don't like airing out the laundry list. Let me say this as plainly as I can: There is NO CONDEMNATION for those who are in Christ.
Under the new covenant - Jesus shed blood for the remission of sins - we understand that repentance is a changing of the mind. We change our minds in regard to how we view "sin" and confession is simply agreeing with God. There is no need to wallow around in the ashes of our failures and there is no need to continually air out our laundry lists of imperfection. In Christ we are perfect, holy, and blameless. God no longer condemns us. We are free from any and all condemnation.
NO (from the Greek) = none, not even one
CONDEMNATION (from the Greek) = adverse or damnatory sentence
Romans 8:1 tells us that there is not even one damnatory sentence that can be brought against those who are in Christ!!!
It was God's intention to make you completely free. Sin no longer has dominion over you because you are under grace. The penalty of sin was paid for at the Cross. You have been acquitted of all charges. Not only are you forgiven for your past but for you future as well. God has seen fit to place you in Christ, given you the righteousness of His Son, and placed His life-giving Spirit inside of you. You may not be perfect but you are definitely not what you used to be. Every voice that would rise up to condemn you is not of God regardless of how "spiritual" they may seem. You are a child of God because of your faith in Jesus Christ.
For far too long the church has lived under the weight of guilt, shame, and condemnation. Most of us have never witnessed what it means to live in complete freedom. This is where we have to learn how to live under God's definition of who we are in Christ. When we allow His definition to define us - His grace to empower us - and His unconditional love to affirm us, then we will be an unstoppable force in the world.
It doesn't make you more holy to live under a black cloud of guilt. Shame is not your friend and it is not of God. Godly sorrow produces repentance while worldly sorrow produces death. If I am godly...which I am in Christ then any sorrow over my actions, attitudes, and activities will result in me changing my mind and agreeing with God. I no longer live under the weight of condemnation. I am FREE!!!
May you be encouraged to live out your freedom in Christ. Don't allow others to place boundaries around you. Simply walk in the Spirit and you will not fulfill the lusts of the flesh. You will find this faith in Christ thing to bring joy and abundant life. May God bless you as you continue to live out who you are in Christ.
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