In Wolfgang Simson's book "Houses that Change the Word" we are confronted with a serious question: "Are we content with a relatively full hell and a relatively empty heaven?" While most of us would shy away from such a statement, we need to face the facts that the rate of conversion (those who are being saved) is not even close to keeping up with the population. What needs to change?
Simson in his own words [p.244]:
"With more than 6 billion people populating the planet, then out of the possibly 20 billion humans that have lived and died since the beginning of history, more than 25% of them are alive today. Jesus says that he came into the world not to judge the world, but that the world, through Him, might be saved. Many Christians, even many of our mission strategies, seem to be overwhelmingly satisfied with scratching the surface, winning a few, not 'saving the world'. The fact is that, even if many of our contemporary strategies succeed, we would still be left with a relatively full hell and a relatively empty heaven. Can we truly say: if 5% are saved, it is enough? If we win a handful out of each nation, is our mission really completed?"
Here are the facts that we must face and change:
1) Just because we have church on Sunday doesn't mean that we are "sharing the gospel."
- This is the approach of many believers. We have made ourselves open to the world through our church doors, and trust that what the preachers says on Sunday morning will be enough. Jesus told His followers to "Go" not "Wait for them to come to you."
2) The larger the church does not mean a more effective outreach.
- While larger churches may boast greater growth numbers, the growth percentage of the church is greater in smaller churches. A church that averages 51 people on a given Sunday that adds 32 people in 5 years grows 63%. A church that has 200-300 people on a given Sunday that adds 39 people over a 5 years span only grows by 17%. While the number of people who join the larger churches is larger, the growth percentage is much weaker. However, if we took a megachurch and divided it into 56 churches of 51 people each, they would, statistically, win an average of 1,792 people in the same 5 year period, 16 times more than if the megachurch remained as it was.
*Statistics from Houses that Change the World - Simson [p.248]
3) It takes every believer sharing the gospel to effectively win the lost.
- Sure...some people seem better equipped to share the gospel than others. Some even function in an anointing and gifting that makes it much easier. However, their gift should never override our obedience. The fact of the matter is that there are people in your life right now that you could effectively evangelize. They listen to you, respect you, and honor you. You have permission to speak into their lives. They cannot afford to wait for the "evangelist" to show up - they need a witness now.
While we sit back and read this alarming statistics, the gospel is still the power of God for salvation. This isn't about your effectiveness but the effectiveness of the gospel. This isn't about your ability to communicate but the ability of the gospel to communicate. We have to stop putting everything on ourselves and simply agree to share the gospel allowing God to do the rest. All He needs is a "Yes" from you.
Here's my challenge to you: Do you know the Gospel? Do you know someone who has never accepted Jesus? If you answered "Yes" to both of those questions then I want you to take the gospel to the person. Begin praying right now for the person with whom you are going to share. Pray for yourself that God will give you the courage you need. Then...go share.
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