The New Covenant mindset changes everything. The challenge on our part is to continually function without introducing Old Covenant theology into our practice. One of the greatest tests of how we are operating can be found in how we read Scripture. Let's allow the following verse to become a litmus test: "If you love Me, keep my commandments." (
John 14:15)
An Old Testament perspective makes
John 14:15 sound like another attempt of God to control us. The problem is that there is no list of commandments from Jesus. We may attempt to assemble one, but that is not the point of that verse. Jesus is not trying to introduce the New Old Testament to those He died to set free. When we learn to hear this command from the mindset of the law of Christ, we hear, "If you love Me, it's going to show up in how you treat the things that I told you are important to Me." In other words: How we manage ourselves in relationship is the clear indicator of our love for the Savior.
The Old Covenant was an external covenant, a system of controls designed to keep all of us in line. But the New Covenant is an internal covenant for son and daughters who, because of their new nature, can be trusted with the responsibility to govern themselves and have access to the power of self-control through the Holy Spirit. All of the behavior that Jesus describes is evidence of the superior power to walk in righteousness possessed by sons and daughters of the New Covenant.
Another test of how we operate is in relationship to our children. When we live under an Old Covenant mindset, we teach our kids how to manage their half of "us"...you know, keeping the rules. Rarely do we teach them a relationship of heart-to-heart connection or intimacy. Rather, we tend to focus upon the rules of the house. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that we do not set boundaries or ensure that our kids understand what relationship looks like. I'm simply stating that it is much harder to parent on the basis of love and grace. Why do I say that? It's harder to parent on the basis of love and grace because it means that I'm not going to try and "
control" their behavior. I'm going to provide a safe place for them to walk in relationship with me.
What does relationship based upon rules look like?
> Strict management, punishment, and rebellion
What does relationship based upon love look like?
> Grace, mercy, and reconciliation
The latter relationship is how God has chosen to relate to us. He has placed His divine nature within us, given us full access to the kingdom of heaven, and provides new mercies every day. He never seeks to control us but rather allows us to live out this relationship through His guidance, His provision, and His power. When we love Him - we love others. When we trust Him - we follow Him. We extend grace, mercy, and forgiveness to those around us. We do not operate in shame, guilt, and condemnation because we recognize those things as tools of the enemy. We learn what it means to honor the body of Christ and those who have been created in His image. It's a huge shift in thinking and it requires a great deal of practice.
Why do you think Jesus told His disciples to begin this relationship with one another? It would become the litmus test for the world to see where their loyalty lies. If they loved Him, they would love one another and the world would say, "These are the disciples of Jesus." The options are clear: we can choose to protect the rules and create a religious culture, or we can choose to protect our relationships and create a culture of love. Which do you think Jesus died to make possible?
What does this New Covenant mindset include?
*God's unconditional love
*God's nature at work within us
*God's grace becomes our ability rather than just our means for forgiveness
*God's heart becomes our heart
While learning to walk in the Spirit takes time, the results will be incredible. No longer will we attach our worth to a list of rules. No longer will we continually beat ourselves up, grope under shame, or fear punishment. No, my friends, we will learn what it means to walk as sons and daughters of God - enjoying the benefits of this relationship and responding to Him in love. Yes...it changes everything.
{Much of today's blog was adapted from Danny Silk's book "Culture of Honor"}