1 Corinthians 14:3, "But he who prophesies speaks edification and exhortation and comfort to men."
I want to say thank you to all the people that have brought encouragement to my life. It is my prayer that the Body of Christ understand the significance of this ministry.
Paul's letter to the Corinthian church has given us wonderful insight into the use of spiritual gifts. Due to the abundance of gifts within this particular church, he had to put some guidelines into place to ensure that the body would be edified (built up). It's a shame that many church leaders have used Paul's instruction to create division. Especially considering that Paul wasn't trying to restrict the use of gifts but create an environment where everyone could be ministered to properly.
When used properly, spiritual gifts bring edification. There is a "building up" of the one who operates in them and a "building up" of the one who receives ministry through them. I want to highlight the use of prophesy within the church. Paul states quite clearly that prophecy is to bring:
1) Edification
2) Exhortation
3) Comfort
I love Larry Randolph's take on the use of prophecy. He said, "When relating to God's Church, we are called to be Body-builders, not wife-beaters." In other words, when we minister to the Body of Christ, we should take ensure that we are building up the believers rather than beating them over the head. We must remember that we ministering to the Bride of Christ; therefore, we should make every effort to give honor.
Edification means "to build up." There are other places in the NT where the Greek Word is translated as building. In one instance you could be talking about a physical location like the temple. In other places it is quite clear that God is speaking about the saints. As we consider the use of prophecy within the church, we must make it our aim to build up the believers rather than tearing them down.
Exhortation means "to urge or admonish earnestly." The word is closely associated with edification but different enough to justify the need to clarify. The best way to define the need for exhortation within the body is to prompt and urge the church to draw near to God. The difference between edification and exhortation would be the passion with which we share the word.
Comforting the believer is also a means of bringing encouragement. Its root form means "to come alongside." It also means "to strengthen and to reinforce." To comfort one another is to bring physical, mental, and spiritual refreshment.
I believe it is quite clear that God wants us to bring great encouragement to one another. What is unfortunate is that we seem to only hear those who claim to be prophetic speaking doom and gloom or sharing harsh rebukes with the church. While I understand the need to help steer God's people in the right direction, or we may be dealing with the severity of sin in a person's life; we need to remember that it is the goats that have to be pushed. Sheep will hear the Shepherd's voice and follow.
Why don't you ask God if there is someone that He would like you to share some encouragement with today. Be a voice for our loving God into the life of another individual. You will be amazed at how often the Lord brings great encouragement through you. In fact, when you operate in the prophetic, God will always bring edification, exhortation, and comfort to the believer. Consider coming alongside someone today.
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