2 Peter 1:3-4, "as His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue, by which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, that through these you may be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust."
This past Sunday, I shared with our congregation from 2 Peter 1:1-10. What I am discovering is that we could talk about these verses for months and still uncover some incredible truth. Peter explains to the church that God has provided everything we need for life and godliness through His divine power at work in us. The Holy Spirit along with the grace of God allows me to live a full and holy life. If that wasn't enough, Peter also tells us that through the exceedingly great and precious promises of God that we are partakers of the divine nature. Put that in your faith pipe and smoke on it for a little while!!!
After meditating upon these words last week and over the last couple of days, there is much more at work here than just helping us be better Christians. I was talking with a friend today about how God is restoring his marriage. He and his wife had been going through a very difficult season. In fact, I wasn't sure how this would work out. I have perfect confidence in God's ability to speak to hearts but I was a little unsure about how the other person would respond. The greatest key to seeing this family come out of darkness and into the light as it relates to there marriage is so simple that we tend to overlook the significance: L-O-V-E.
That's right folks...LOVE. I'm always amazed that we struggle to consider that love has this type of power. If we are partakers of the divine nature of God then we have the ability to love as God loves. God is unconditional love - His nature of unconditional love is within us - it is upon us to draw from this nature if we are to manifest His love to others.
1 John 3:11 says, "For this is the message that you heard from the beginning, that we should love one another." Now I realize that John was speaking to the church but folks we have to make this transition into our marriage relationships. We promise at the beginning of our marriage that we will love one another through a whole lot of "stuff." It is foundational to the covenant of marriage that we never stop this process of love. Once we choose to not operate in love then we are doomed to failure. This man stood and testified that as he learned to love his wife, demonstrate his love for her, and become more concerned with meeting her needs than his own that God began to break through the walls that had been built up over time. Have we learned this principle in our own marriages?
The Divine Nature of God must be married to the Divine Institution of Marriage. It is critical that you learn how to tap into God's love for your spouse. Brotherly love will only take you so far. Erotic love will only carry you for a season. Unconditional love will sustain your relationship for a lifetime! How can it not work when we learn to love one another with the love of God?
I dare you to take this challenge upon yourself. I'm not asking you to "fake it until you make it." I'm asking you to draw from the nature of God that is within you. He will provide you with the love you need. There is a way to forgive, become compassionate, and give mercy to your spouse. There is a vast supply of grace available to enjoy your marriage. It's a matter of seeing one another as sons and daughters of God - recipients of His divine nature - and loving as God loves. It's a matter of recognizing the awesome power of God's love in the world - realizing that He loves us before we ever loved Him - and that His love reached out to us when we were walking contrary to His heart. If God can perform this for a world that had walked away from their created purpose, don't you think He can help you do this in your marriage? I believe He can!!!
I want to encourage you. All is not lost. God is a master of restoration. He knows how to heal the broken-hearted. He understands what is needed to make things new again. This is His heart in salvation and it is His heart for your marriage. You can love again. By His divine power, drawing upon His nature, you have everything you need for a godly life and marriage.
How to start:
1) Repent for believing you could do this in your own power.
2) Pray - ask God to allow His love to flow through you.
3) Obey everything that God tells you to do in the restoration of your marriage.
4) Love - Love - Love - as He does (unconditionally).
5) Praise God for what you are going to receive in your marriage.
Great blog today Neal. Thanks for the uplifting words.
You are welcome. Thanks for stopping by!!!
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