In Kevin Dedmon's book "The Ultimate Treasure Hunt", he shared a vision that the Lord gave him concerning giving away what you have. I want to share this vision with you because I believe it is a beautiful illustration of drawing from the well of living water inside of us and seeing God increase what is available.
"A few years ago, I had a vision that helped me understand the principle of giving...In the vision I was standing next to a well in a field. As I looked further, I noticed other wells. Some were capped off, and I could tell that some of the wells had not been accessed for a long while because of the tall, unkempt grass growing up around them.
"As I stood in the field gazing over these various wells, I instinctively knew that they contained various resources of the Kingdom of God. For example, the water in one of the wells contained healing, while the water in other wells had love, or the prophetic, wisdom, counsel, joy, and on and on it went. I happened to be standing next to the well containing healing, but I only had a small thimble-sized container in which to dip out of the resources. So, I dipped with what I had available.
"As I began to drink of what I had recovered from the well, the Lord told me to pour it out...'But Lord, I won't have any left for me,' I responded. Silence. Finally, I got up the nerve to throw out the small measure I had received, heaving it as far as I could. To my surprise, a crop of fruit immediately sprang up in the exact spot where I had thrown the water.
"I turned back toward the well, and as I began to dip again, to my amazement, my thimble-sized container had increased to a shot glass-sized container. Once again, I dipped the container into the well and pulled up the water. As before, the Lord said to pour it out. Without hesitation, I threw it in a different direction, and a larger crop of fruit immediately grew where the water had landed.
"I went back to the well. This time, my shot-glass container turned into a mug-sized container. I repeated the process again and again until my thimble-sized container had eventually turned into a super-sized, supernatural water truck! The more I gave, the larger my container became, as well as the size of the crops of fruit, as I continued to just give away the new measure I had received.
"I then proceeded to the others wells, where I was give a thimble-sized container from which to dip. I went to wells that I had previously drunk from but had quit because of a lack of fruitfulness. I found that as I re-opened those well and gave away what I had received instead of consuming it myself, supernatural measure were obtained from each of the wells and supernatural fruit was harvested everywhere I had poured out...the water.
"I want to encourage you that you have all the resources you need to get started on your journey in becoming the Ultimate Treasure Hunter. You can grow in supernatural measures of faith if you continually utilize the testimony and give away what you currently possess, even if it seems thimble-sized..." [The Ultimate Treasure Hunt - pp.163-165 - Dedmon]
What an awesome picture! I don't know about you, but there have been times that I felt the Lord leading me to share a "word" with someone or pray a particular type of prayer, only to shrink away because I didn't think I had enough in me. There are times, without realizing it, that each of us have failed to believe that everything we need for life and godliness is already ours through His divine power. We have not trusted fully that we have been made partakers in His inheritance. I want to encourage you to stop shrinking-back. Go headlong into what the Spirit of God is leading you to do. I know at times the words may sound crazy, or the prayer seems impossible, but you have resources available to you to see the kingdom of God manifest in the earth.
I am learning. There are times that I have great boldness and times where my faith isn't as strong. There are times when I feel as though I can conquer the world, and times when I feel weak. What I am learning is that God is able to "do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us" {Ephesians 3:20} However, if we do not dip into the wells that He has made available then we will not access any of the other wells around us. At some point we are going to have to take a risk. We are going to have to operate by faith and believe that what God is prompting us to do will happen exactly the way He chooses.
Are you ready to draw from the well? Remember...you have living water to give to all who thirst!!!
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