Hebrew 10:25, "not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching."
I want to talk to you about the need for fellowship. Too often we read Hebrews 10:25 in a negative tone. It could be because we have heard it preached negatively. If you will give me a few minutes, I want to speak encouragement to you.
Built within each and every one of us is a need for fellowship. This need for community is not based upon our faith but rather is a condition within the human spirit. We long for relationships and typically look for them on every level. The church was designed to be a family. When you and I read the book of Acts we see the early church sharing their lives together. It's hard to imagine the early church doing anything less. They NEEDED one another in more ways than one. Because of the persecution that came against the followers of Jesus, there was a need to encourage one another in the faith, help supply the needs of families, and to cooperate with one another in the goal of seeing the Kingdom of God advance in the world. This need for fellowship went far beyond convenience - it was a way of life.
Since we tend to view things through our current situation, the American church of today does not understand the necessity of Christian fellowship. This is due, in large part, to the fact that the Founding Fathers of this nation fought to ensure religious liberty. We do not face widespread persecution. Most of us do not have to worry about losing our livelihood because of our faith. Most of us are very independent so we don't have to pool our resources. The church has become a group of people who gather together out of convenience rather than necessity. Overall this may not change unless there is dramatic changes in our country.
With all that being said, I believe there is still a great need for fellowship within the Body of Christ. The writer of Hebrews was not trying to lay down some legalistic dogma. Instead, I believe, he was trying to show the scattered believers there need for fellowship in the midst of their persecution. There is still a need for this type of coming together to build one another up in the faith. Christianity knows nothing of Lone Ranger faith. In fact, right up until the time of His death, our Lord walked with His disciples. This community of disciples offered Him the opportunity to pour out all that God was doing in Him. Any revelations that He received from the Father, He shared with them. Whatever God wanted to speak, He spoke to them. What Jesus displayed in this community was replicated in the early church. They understood that it is through the gathering together, sharing life with one another, and encouraging one another in the faith that they would be able to withstand what the world would throw at them. It was also a means of pouring into one another all that God was doing.
I absolutely love fellowship with the believers. This isn't just a Sunday morning thing for me. In fact, I have already had some time with one of our church members this morning and I'm getting ready to have lunch with another. Why? The reason for this type of fellowship is to build one another up. While I love the company of these men (and women), what I really love is what it produces. It produces a bond of security within the body. It brings about encouragement for everyone involved. It also allows us to talk about the Scriptures, to build one another up, and to speak grace to one another. Church fellowship isn't about checking off a box of Christian accomplishments. It's about sharing life!!!
I want to challenge you in your relationships this week. As you get together with brothers/sisters in Christ, talk about what God is doing in your life. Share how He is challenging you in your faith. Pray with one another, encourage one another, and speak His blessings over one another and watch what happens. This type of interaction will bring about great growth to both of you. You will find yourself encouraged in your faith rather than discouraged in your walk. You will find accountability to the things of God. And you will also discover God's presence in your midst.
Take some time to enjoy the fellowship of God's people. You will be blessed!!!
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