Genesis 2:24, "Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh." When you read this in the KJV you will read the word "cleave." "Cleave" is the English translation of the Hebrew "daw-bak'". In today's blog we'll ask the question: "How well do you cleave?"
It's days like today that makes me want to read Hebrew. The Hebrew language does more than just give us a word but will also draw a picture for us. Take for instance the word daw-bak': Literally it means to "cling" or "adhere". We understand that in the English. However, there is also a figurative meaning to the word. Daw-bak' also means to catch by pursuit, abide, fast, cleave (fast together), follow close (hard after), be joined (together), keep (fast), overtake, pursue hard, stick, and take. WOW!!! Did you just see that? My definition of marriage just dramatically changed.
My New Definition of Marriage:
When a man and woman leave their father and mother to pursue one another in a love relationship that holds them fast together.
While I may understand what it means to be joined together with another individual for life, I have failed to see marriage as this constant pursuit of my wife. It is in this context of marriage that we understand the heart of God for husbands and wives. The vows that we keep to one another are just a part of the pursuit. Speaking from a man's perspective this means that I am continually looking for ways to love my wife, to constantly pursue her, and to never be satisfied with just getting by. Every morning I should wake up with the thought: How can I catch her? I mean...I know she is mine but I want her to see that I want her, I desire her, and I will do whatever it takes to make it stick.
Folks, I realize that marriage is hard work. It's difficult to put two people in the same house together and expect everything to be "perfect". But if there is one thing that I can be sure of...one thing I CAN control, it's how I pursue my wife. There should never be a time when she wonders if I truly love her. There should never come a time when she feels as though she has to earn my love. Every day for her should be a constant reminder that I am still pursuing her.
How well do you cleave? You might say "Well...we've been together for ____ years. I think I have done pretty good." But how well have you pursued her over those ____ years? I want you to take the whole definition into account. May we not simply look at our marriage in terms of years we made it. Let's begin to look at our marriage by how many years I have pursued our spouses in love.
Sorry to keep it short. I need to go catch my wife!!!
Blessing to you all.
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