John 4:23-24, "But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth."
I just want to get lost in worship. To be in an atmosphere of God's presence where time doesn't matter, phones are not a distraction, and appointments mean nothing. I want to be in a place where God has my undivided attention. A place where He can speak, He can move, and He can make Himself known.
As I type these words, there is worship music playing in an empty sanctuary. The chairs were moved out this Sunday to have the carpets cleaned. It's an awesome experience to hear the sounds of praise echo throughout the room. As much as I enjoy it, I wonder how much more God enjoys hearing the praises of His people. As much as I want to be lost in His presence, I wonder how much more God longs to draw me in.
This is God's will in worship. Jesus' statement to the woman at the well was more than just a declaration about worship. We have to understand that she brought up the subject of worship. She was discussing the proper place and practice of worship. Jesus didn't even entertain the place. He (as always) cut to the heart of the matter. Jews knew who they were worshiping while the Samaritans were worshiping in ignorance. Too often, I'm afraid, many believers are worshiping out of ignorance. We have thought it was all about our music, our buildings, and our style of worship that is pleasing to God. However, we must remember the words of Jesus "the hour is coming, and NOW IS, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth..." True and genuine worship comes from within. It is in the place where our spirit connects with the Spirit of God. It is in the place where we exercise the truth of who we are in Him and express that truth in our praise.
So much is accomplished in the presence of God: He is blessed and we are blessed!
There is an incredible exchange between the frailty of man and the glory of God. We approach God in our weakness and He gives us strength. We worship out of our need for Him and He blesses us with His presence. Please don't ever hesitate to get into the presence of God. There is GREAT FREEDOM in worship. Why? Because where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom!!!
May you lose yourself in His presence today. May you hunger for God and never be satisfied until you meet with Him. May you be like David and cry out that your soul and flesh cry out to God. But be careful...His presence in your life brings a hunger for more!!!
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