Some BIG NEWS for the world today: Apparently the earth has shifted on its axis. A report out of Texas says that one runway was shutdown. Some people are very troubled wondering if their "sign" is going to change because of the earth's place under the stars. Some are even questioning which way is North? Really!!??!!
Reports like this don't bother me because I am not centered on the signs or the earth. I discovered long ago that I have to put my faith in the Creator and not the creation. Colossians 1:16-17, "For by Him all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth...and He is before all things, and by Him all things consist." These verses speak about the Lordship of Jesus Christ. If the earth has truly shifted on its axis then it's because He allowed it.
If all that we are is fixed upon our horoscope then we never have a sure foundation. Especially NOW! If our future is truly determined by global warming then we are TOAST. However, when our faith is built upon the one true God that created the heavens and earth then we have a sure foundation.
My wife was telling me about a conversation that she had recently with a professing atheist. The lady said: "It intrigues me that you have built your entire life around your faith and that it sustains you." What truly intrigues me is how people continually build their lives upon shifting sands, are never satisfied with life, and can't understand how we have full confidence in something we cannot see.
The beauty of faith is that I don't have to see it to believe it. I don't have to trust in scientific evidence for my understanding. When you experience the power and ability of faith in the Word of God, you cannot be moved. The earth may shift, difficulties may arise, and other "catastrophic" events may happen; but "my faith is built on nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness"!
The center of who you are in Christ will never change. Hallelujah!!!
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