It is often in the pursuit of God that we can miss some of the keys to unlocking the fullness of God in our lives. "Doing" can become more important than "being". So in an attempt to help us all be filled with all the fullness of God, I offer some encouraging words.
Ephesians 3:46-21 records the prayer of the Apostle Paul for the church at Ephesus. It is in this prayer that we find the key to unlocking the fullness of God in our lives. After asking that they be strengthened with might by the Spirit, he also asks that Christ would dwell in their hearts by faith. Then we read these words: "...that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height - to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God" {Eph. 3:17-19}. Here's the key to having the fullness of God: knowing the love of God.
I realize that most of us did not grow up with this understanding. In fact, there's quite a few of us who have struggled to separate ourselves from "works righteousness." However, when we read God's Word, we cannot dismiss the fact that it is through our "being rooted and grounded in love" that we are able to experience the fullness of God. You see...without this knowledge in our lives we can never really rest in who we are in Christ. Our identity will always be associated with our struggles, our accomplishments, and our failures. Who we are must be rooted in all that Jesus died to give us.
The question many of you may be asking is: "How do I get this knowledge?" My answer should not surprise you; we get this knowledge through the Word of God. James Richards says it this way: "When we get saved, we must read the Word, and through it, embark on the process of changing and renewing our minds in every area. We must continually seek the mind of Christ in His Word, and transform our thinking to mirror the written Word." {Supernatural Ministry, pp 71-72}
Did you know that there were more than 130 scriptures in the New Testament that tell us who we are in Jesus?
We are the righteousness of God in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:21)
We are more than conquerors (Romans 8:37)
We have victory over the world (1 John 5:5)
The problem isn't what the Word of God says about us. The problem is whether or not we will believe what the Word says about us! God's opinion of who you are in Christ doesn't change based upon your belief system. He will believe these things about you even if you don't. But when you and I become rooted and grounded in the love of God, we will begin to see ourselves as God does AND that my friend changes everything.
Don't you long to be filled with all the fullness of God? That journey begins with your knowledge of the love of God.
1) You have to experience it personally (you must be saved)
2) You have to educate yourself (read the Bible)
3) You have to embrace the love God has for you (in faith confess who you are in Christ)
4) You have to enjoy it (living loved)
Using the words of the Apostle Paul, I pray that you "being rooted and grounded in love...may be filled with all the fullness of God."
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