"He (Rehoboam) did evil because he did not set his heart on seeking the Lord." {2 Chronicles 12:14}
There is no other way to say this: Following the Lord is not an accident!
I'm sure that many of us have experienced God in a way that was totally surprising. God blessed us in spite of ourselves or we found ourselves exactly where God wanted us at a particular time. However, the reason we ended up in the place of blessing is because we made a conscience decision to follow the Lord with all of our heart.
The blessings of God may seem coincidental but our obedience to God is a choice. The Bible tells us about Solomon's son Rehoboam and how he did evil because he did not set his heart on seeking the Lord. I know this isn't a HUGE revelation BUT you and I need to understand that if we do not set our hearts on seeking God then we will not seek God.
Setting our hearts upon God is a part of the disciplined life. I have to make a choice. I must choose to follow Him. I must decide to place my heart upon God's will and desire for my life. If I don't...then my heart leads the way - and I cannot trust my heart.
The heart is considered by many to be the seat of our emotions. As long as our heart is fixed upon God then we can allow ourselves to follow our heart. However, if we are just letting our hearts lead us every day, without setting it upon the things of God, then we can easily go astray. God's Word tells us that David was a man after His own heart but it's easy to see the times that David didn't act upon a heart that was steadfast in his relationship with God.
Here are some tips to helping you maintain a heart after God:
1) Spend time in God's Word
- This is one of the greatest ways we can establish our hearts. When we read God's Word, apply it to our lives, and allow it to become the foundation for what we believe then our hearts are not easily led astray.
2) Spend time in Prayer
- This is a sure-fire way of bringing my heart in line with God's heart. Prayer involves humility. It is in this place of humility where I can actually gain God's perspective upon a situation, a person, or His direction. As God's heart moves my heart, I am able to be equipped by His grace.
3) Praise & Worship are Essential
- As I told you yesterday, praise and worship change our perspective. This time is all about setting our affections upon God. As you pour out your heart out to God then you will experience the filling of His presence. His presence in your life will help you to maintain a heart that says "I want to abandon everything to Him."
4) Share His Love with Others
- It's truly amazing what happens when we share God's love with other people. Although I struggle in putting this experience into words, you will be moved as you watch God move the hearts of others. This is evangelism. When our hearts are set upon sharing God's heart with others, it changes the way that we live. We find ourselves conscience of every decision/action because we want to reflect His heart to a lost and dying world.
5) Walk in His Grace
- I know we are making a decision here but I don't want you to get caught up in works righteousness. You can establish your heart but don't think that you establish your righteousness. Rest fully in the grace of God. Allow His ability to be your ability. All of your sharing, all of your righteousness, and all of your work is established in the finished work of Christ.
Rehoboam's life and legacy could have been very different if he would have set his heart upon seeking after the Lord. The same can be said for you. You may not always get it right...you may have times of missing it...but wouldn't it be an awesome testimony to hear "they set their heart upon seeking after God"?
Imagine every believer setting their hearts upon seeking after the Lord.
Imagine every church body setting their hearts upon seeking after the Lord.
What a difference we could make!!!
What a force we would be in the kingdom of God!!!
Let's do it!
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