It's hard for me to imagine what it must have been like to be the children of Israel during their days of journey to the Promised Land. Just considering the pillar of cloud & fire, the tent of meeting, or the veil over Moses' face after being in the presence of God blows my mind.
This weekend, I was fortunate to be a part of some special worship services. On Saturday evening we joined Jonathan David Helser in Christiansburg for an incredible worship experience. Then...Sunday came...and we were just overwhelmed with the presence of God in our second service. While I did not see a pillar of fire, nor did I have to place a veil over my face; His presence was just as real. What I am learning is what we do with God's visitations prepares us for future manifestations. We can choose to ignore what He is doing in the hearts and lives of those around us by moving through a service. Or we can take the time and allow His Spirit to continue to minister to hearts. We chose the latter and were blessed because of it.
The past few weeks of preaching through the series of messages on praise have been very encouraging to me. I cannot tell you how many believers (young, old, new, and seasoned) who thanked me for giving them insight into the meaning of the Hebrew words for praise. As they walk in what they have learned, they will experience a greater intimacy in worship. This is what God is looking for from His people.
However, we should not contain our worship and praise of God to a structured setting. As people who walk in relationship with God, the whole world is a sanctuary. We should be able to worship God in any setting and praise Him in any circumstance. When we choose to praise and worship God wherever we are, we are simply joining the rest of His creation. As the heavens declare the glory of God, we should declare His praises in our generation.
May we be the ones who continually cover His throne with our praises. May we never relent in pursuing the purity of His presence. May our hearts continue to hunger and thirst for the living God. May our worship never cease. He is worthy of all our praise.
"Therefore with joy you will draw water From the wells of salvation. And in that day you will say: 'Praise the Lord, call upon His name; declare His deeds among the peoples, make mention that His name is exalted. Sing to the Lord, for He has done excellent things; this is known in all the earth.'" {Isaiah 12:3-5}