In the book, Supernatural Ministry, James Richards shares an incredible vision the Lord gave him while attending services at a large church one Sunday morning. If you aren't ready to "run to the battle" I'm sure that you can find some psycho-analytical stuff on another blog (LOL!).
"In my heart I could see a soldier dressed in armor. He had on a sword with a shield and all the weapons of war, but instead of being in battle, he was sitting at the table eating. Then this word came to me, 'No man girds himself up, puts on his armor, taking his sword and shield in his hand and sits down to eat. No, when you gird yourself up in your armor, taking your sword and your shield, you run forth into battle. Run to the battle says the Lord. God forth, for I have equipped you with my weapons of warfare, yet you sit and eat. You desire to be fed more, but I say run forth to the battle.'" [p. 68 - Supernatural Ministry]
What a picture! Can you imagine being in full armor sitting at a table eating? The imagery is so powerful. Here's what I take from this:
#1 - If you are in full armor with a sword and shield, you have but one purpose. There is a battle going on in the world between the Kingdom of God and the kingdom of darkness. God has supplied us with everything we need. The armor and shield are for protection. The sword and the Spirit are our weapons. These are not carnal weapons but weapons that will allow us to cast down every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God.
#2 - Can you imagine how uncomfortable it must be to sit at a table to eat in full armor? This explains why so many people get frustrated in their Christian life. They have been satisfied to come and eat - never thinking about the battle - but they are never fulfilled. If we never become engaged in the battle (ministry to others), then all that's left is to complain about how uncomfortable we are at the table. This is why a lot of churches have to endure the complaints of the saints rather than enjoying the edification of fellow believers.
#3 - This is a waste of good armor and powerful weapons! By now we should all know Acts 1:8 (if you are a regular reader of my blog or the Bible). We know that Jesus never intended to send His followers out without power. However, he also never intended them to keep it at home. If all we ever do with the gifts that God has granted to us is minister to one another, we aren't any better than the battle ready soldier sitting at the table. These gifts, this ability, are provided so that we may demonstrate to the world who God is and what He can do. Spiritual Graces are not a badge of honor or something for our entertainment; they are to be used to bring a lost and hurting world to Jesus.
I always place a poll in the top right hand corner of this blog. I'm not sure how many times I have asked the particular question that I'm using this week. I'm always amazed at the response when it comes to believers sharing their faith. The sad part is that if I could take a survey of Christians all across America the numbers would be staggering in response to how many of them actually share the Gospel with others. Why is this true? The reason is that we won't pull ourselves away from the table to engage the world. We are too busy feeding ourselves (and others) to run to the battle.
You might be thinking right now that you don't feel ready. I have heard people say that they just don't know enough. "What if I get asked a question that I cannot answer." This is what happens when you take the supernatural out of evangelism. We are more concerned with winning an argument than converting a soul. This isn't a battle of philosophies. I'm not asking you to be Plato or Socrates. You don't have to have all the answers, all you need is the SOLUTION.
So...get up from the table...make sure your armor is in place...pick up your sword and shield...and RUN TO THE BATTLE!!!
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