In case you haven't noticed, I love to talk about the power of God in our lives. The work of the Holy Spirit in and through us is the great difference maker. God can, through His Spirit, accomplish more in 1 day than we could accomplish in a lifetime through our own strength. Many men and women of God have committed their lives to seek out fresh outpourings of His Spirit upon the people of God. One of the best works that I have read is the book "Power From God" by Charles Finney.
There have been many books that God has used to speak to my own life. The works of D.L. Moody, Jim Cymbala, etc. These authors have various backgrounds, ministries, and theological understanding. However, they all have one common denominator - the work of the Holy Spirit is evident in their life. We can read about His work in the book of Acts but often disregard the appropriateness of the Spirit's work in our day. We need His power just as much today as they did in the 1st century church.
God's power enables us to move past our own insecurities and weaknesses and accomplish great things in the kingdom of God. With this outpouring, many followers of Christ have found the power to proclaim the Gospel, understand God's truths, teach God's Word, obey Christ no matter what, and live a holy life. Apart from His power we are left to our own abilities, gifting, and strategies. We need the power of God in our lives as much as our physical bodies need oxygen. Just as breath fills the lungs, we need God to breathe upon everything we do for the kingdom if it is to have eternal value and impact.
The difficulty of this subject is our misunderstanding of the power of God. I have discovered many believers who are thrown off by this subject. We struggle with the though of the 1st church separating men who are "full of the Holy Spirit" to accomplish certain tasks because we think we all have enough. While it is true to say that we have ALL of the Holy Spirit we may not be walking in ALL of His power. In fact, many people simply rely on all of the Holy Spirit that they experienced at salvation never realizing that there is more power available.
The testimony of my life and ministry is a growing awareness of my need for the Spirit of God and His power coming upon me for "greater works." God continually placed me in areas of service where I had to thrust myself upon Him wholeheartedly. I had to trust that His Spirit would anoint me for a task, take me deeper in my understanding of how He works, and long to have even more that what I experienced. This requires a humbling of ourselves should we come into the fullness of His power. We have to say "I need more."
One of the greatest struggles (misunderstandings) is our terminology. We are confused by the terms baptism of the Spirit, filling of the Spirit, seal of the Spirit, etc. Our denominations have argued over "proof" of the baptism, the gifts that are available (or not), and the legitimacy of particular manifestations. It is time for the church of the living God to STOP arguing over the work of the Holy Spirit and simply get in on what He is doing and how He is doing it. We live in desperate days. The church of America is in desperate need of a fresh move of God's Spirit among us. We cannot continue to move forward without His power. In these "last days" our greatest desire should be to be clothed with more than what we have experienced.
Every great preacher will tell you of a time when God gave them more. You may not have all of the particulars but they got to a place where they could no longer do the work of the Gospel apart from a fresh infusion of power from on high. If this is true of the Gospel minister, what about those who fill the pews every Sunday? Should not every believer seek to go deeper, experience more, and function in greater power and influence? The answer is YES!
Here is a description of this power as found on the back cover of Finney's book: "His words seemed to fasten like arrows in the souls of men. They cut like a sword. Like the power of a hammer, they broke down strongholds. Multitudes experienced this power. Often, just a look or a single sentence would bring conviction and result in an almost immediate conversion to Christ." This same power is available to you and I if we want it. If we are willing to ASK, SEEK, and KNOCK - God will SEND, GIVE, and OPEN this door unto you. Jesus said, "How much more will your Heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask."
The only way we will walk in the power of God is when we seek to walk in the power of God. I'm not telling you to run after experiences. I am telling you to run after Him!!!
"While it is true to say that we have ALL of the Holy Spirit we may not be walking in ALL of His power." That's a great line and one worth remembering.
Believe it or not...that's a Neal original. Or at least I don't think I got it from anyone else. LOL!
I CAN believe it actually Neal! You're full of good stuff because you have the mind of Christ and the Spirit of God in you. Glad you're listening!
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