Just in case you missed it: yesterday was the national "Coming Out Day". This is a day set aside by gay rights groups to encourage "coming out" and discussions about gay lifestyles and issues. I've got a better idea. Why not let God clean the closet before you come out?
1 Peter 2:9, "But you are not like that, for you are a chosen people. You are royal priests, a holy nation, God’s very own possession. As a result, you can show others the goodness of God, for He called you out of the darkness into his wonderful light."
If these people are planning on coming out then I would encourage them to come out of darkness into God's marvelous light! Instead of embracing a lifestyle that is not consistent with God's Word they can be changed forever by the power of grace. I know it's hard for many people to hear this message. Even some Christians believe that God created people to be homosexual. The agenda of these people has been to force our children to learn about homosexuality in public schools. You can hardly turn on a television program, watch a movie, or listen to the radio without having this lifestyle thrust in front of you. Which makes me wonder...
If this lifestyle choice is so natural then why do they feel the need to change minds?
If this lifestyle choice is normal then why are so many people uncomfortable with it?
If this life is the way God made you then why do people feel the need to defend it so aggressively?
It's not natural because it is not natural! The book of Romans tells us that "women turned against their natural way..." and "the men instead of having normal sexual relationships..." The homosexual lifestyle is a choice based upon a perversion. An individual is tempted to go after that which isn't natural and they defend it by saying that they are going to do what is natural to them. Would we do this with any other perversion?
Does the drug addict do what is natural to them? Does the alcoholic simply follow after his natural instincts? What about the adulterer? The pedophile? The serial killer? The smoker? (Do I need to go on?) Most of these people would tell you that they were simply following after what was going on in their heart. As they followed through with their desire it seemed natural. I know that people don't want me to lump this group in with what we consider the "worst" but we must be honest. Each of us have a choice to follow what is natural according to God's Word. God said that it wasn't good for man to be alone, so he made Adam a companion "Woman." She was bone of his bones, flesh of his flesh, but she was different. Case closed.
I don't say any of this to condemn people in this lifestyle but to shed light on the lie. There are those within the church community who would say that God accepts all of us where we are and that He loves us regardless of our lifestyle. While the statement may not be inaccurate, the assumption is inaccurate. God does love us exactly where we are. He has demonstrated His love for all of mankind by allowing Jesus to die on a cross for our sin. Ever person - straight or gay - is loved by God. However, in each instance, God doesn't want us to stay in our condition. Yes...we are all sinners but when we agree with God about our sin we discover that He doesn't want us to stay within our sinful condition. He calls each of us out of darkness and into His marvelous light.
If my sinful condition caused me to live as a liar - as a new creation in Christ I would no longer live as a liar.
If my sinful condition caused me to live as an adulterer - as a new creation in Christ I would no longer live as an adulterer.
If my sinful condition caused me to live in anger - as a new creation in Christ I would no longer live in anger.
This change occurs because of the grace of God! I could not change myself. I did what was right in my own eyes. I followed my emotions, lusts, and deceptions. But when God called me out of darkness and into His light then I was able to see who I could be in Him.
Our God is able to redeem, restore, and rescue. Anyone who comes to faith in Him will not be put to shame according to His Word. He has a better quality of life in store for all of us. And when each of us make Him Lord of our lives, we see Him make the change. Our lives come into agreement with what He says is truth. I don't care how many professing Christians come out and say that they are gay and God is o.k. with that - it is a lie. How do I know? Because it is in contradiction with His Word. Let the truth of God's Word set you free from a life that is ruled by lust and deception. Believe in Jesus and allow His grace to change you. Let God call you out of the closet so that you may walk in His wonderful light!
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