"Man without the voice of God is an aimless wanderer in the dark fields of his own imagination." Dr. William D. Hinn
We serve a God who speaks. I don't think anyone who reads the Bible can come away thinking any different. We know that God spoke creation into existence. He spoke to Adam and Eve in the Garden. God spoke to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and countless others. Then when the fullness of time came, God spoke through Jesus Christ. Now God speaks to us through His Holy Spirit that dwells within us.
What is amazing to me is how many believers struggle with the idea of God speaking. I hear testimonies where people will say, "God spoke to me...not in an audible voice..." Why do we feel the need to preface the next statement? We aren't told in the Bible that God always spoke with an audible voice. Usually the Word is very clear about the times when God spoke for everyone to hear. Could it be that we don't want to be classified as "nutty" or "crazy"?
For a follower of Jesus to hear is voice should be as natural as breathing. Jesus told the disciples that His sheep hear his voice and know it. So why is there this reservation in the church so many times to say that God spoke?
One other thing that I hear is: "I'm not sure if it's the Lord speaking or just me." Henry Blackaby says, "If a Christian does not know when God is speaking, He is in trouble at the heart of his Christian life." I agree! If we are having trouble discerning His voice then maybe we have too many voices. Rather than spend your time wandering aimlessly in the dark fields of your imagination, you should take some time to hear from God.
This is one of those topics that I can't seem to get away from. If we aren't hearing God in our walk with Him then who are we hearing? Is it religion? Tradition? The preacher? What voice drives you to do what you do as a believer? Some will say that it's in God's Word. Everything that God wanted to say is right there in the book. My only question is: Can God not speak to us through anything else? Can God use a song, a testimony, or some event? God's Word is our guide but His voice should be our lead.
Happy Listening!
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