Pinocchio is one of Disney's most popular stories. Most of us can remember the story of the puppet that came to life but wanted to be a real boy. What I remember is a story about a puppet that couldn't tell the truth!
Lies are destructive. They aren't cute, funny, or "white". Lies are dangerous and deceptive - especially when we believe them over the TRUTH. Jesus told us that satan (spell check wants me to give him a capital "S" but I don't even like to give him that respect!) is the father of lies. He was lying from the beginning, and he lies even now. So when you can I began to build our lives upon the lies of the enemy we will never experience the greatness of God.
I have often wondered why it's easier to believe a lie than the truth. Why is it harder to accept what God's Word says about us than what the enemy says? We believe that we will "never amount to anything" when God's Word tells us that we are "more than conquerors." We run around thinking we have to "do" something to be approved by God when His Word teaches that we are "accepted" in the beloved. One of the greatest schemes of the enemy is to think that you have to hide the real you, when God tells us to "humble ourselves and confess our faults to one another."
Have you ever been a part of a church when a family that seems to have it all together suddenly falls apart? Ever said of someone "They just seemed to be such a nice person...I can't believe that they were having this kind of problem."? The reason we have seen this happen and said those things is because we have watched a generation come through the church that believes they can't be open about who they really are and what they really struggle with. Unfortunately, too many churches are as Casting Crowns puts it: "Happy plastic people under shiny plastic steeples." No wonder we hear so many people cry out about the hypocrisy in the church!
Here's a truth that you and I need to grab a hold of: You may fool the church but you will not fool the world - and you definitely cannot fool God. would be easier on all of us if when we lied our noses grew like Pinocchio's. I'm just curious how we would seat everybody that comes to church.?! But the greatest tool that you and I have to combat the lies is the Word of God. When you begin to sow scripture into your life it will change your perception of who you are. When you bring in the TRUTH, the lie has to leave.
Start today:
When God says you are forgiven - BELIEVE HIM!
When God says you are loved - THANK HIM!
When God says you are whole - PRAISE HIM!
And when God says you are complete - EMBRACE HIM!
These things are true as we live in relationship with Jesus Christ. Apart from His salvation we couldn't name any of these things among us. However, due to the cleaning power of the blood, and the redeeming power of the cross, and the resurrection power of the Spirit of God - we are who God says we are! CLAIM IT!
What I don't get is how I can believe and have faith that God will do good and mighty things in the lives of others when it comes to myself I somehow believe God is only willing to work in small ways in my own life. I don't need something "big" and realize the small things are very important, but somehow I feel insignificant in the grand scheme of His plan.
The Bible teaches us to never despise the day of "small things." Zech. 4:10. So if you see God working there - GREAT! However, God is able to great things for you as well as others. Remember that it is never about us - it's about HIM! God's Word teaches us that "He is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think..."
Determine that you will seek 1st the Kingdom of God in your life and give Him the rest.
And don't believe that you are insignificant. That is a lie from the enemy! You are "fearfully and wonderfully made" according to God's Word.
There is a fine line between humility and becoming insignificant and somehow in trying not to "think too much of myself" I think I crossed it. I will pray that God helps me see clearly.
You make a great point: Humility IS a lowering of self. It's being able to lay aside the "you" factor. But in Christ we are more than conquerors. As an example the Apostle Paul wrote: "For though I am free from all men, I have made myself a servant to all, that I might win the more." In other words he was willing to humble himself in order to reach them with the Gospel.
Pride tells us to hold on to everything we can while humility teaches us to give ourselves away.
I pray right now that God will give you the wisdom you seek. Jesus taught us that if we would lose our lives we would save them.
No doubt it's a struggle. But I want you to consider that God is honored through us when we walk in His Word.
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