"Phillip said to Him, 'Lord show us the Father and it is sufficient for us.' Jesus said to him, 'Have I been with you so long and you have not known Me, Phillip?'" John 14:8-9
Just for a moment, I want you to put yourself in Phillip's shoes (sandals). He has been walking with Jesus for 3 1/2 years. Yet in this Scripture, as we are drawing to the close of Jesus' ministry, we hear some pretty amazing words.
I'm sure that Phillip thought he was making a sincere request of our Lord. Jesus' has said that if we had known Him we would know the Father. Phillip simply wants to see the Father. However, Jesus is trying to get Phillip to understand that in seeing Him that he has seen the Father. Don't miss this!
There are a lot of people who have been "walking" with Jesus for many years. But in their faith, lifestyle, etc.; they have missed out on all that Jesus has for them. I don't know how long you have been walking with Him but do you know Him? Have you experienced Him as God of all things? Have you enjoyed the abundant life that He promised? Do you know Him as more than just the Savior of your soul?
I'm not sure if Phillip was still thinking of Jesus as the Great Teacher or a Powerful Prophet. Or maybe he was just caught up in the fact the Jesus' was the Messiah. Whatever his mindset was, it did not lead him to the understanding that Jesus was God in the flesh!
What has the Lord been trying to teach you about His nature, His will, or His work in your life? Have you come to understand that He is everything that He said He was? He is the Bread of Life! He is the Living Water! He is the Way the Truth and the Life! He is the only name in heaven that has been given by which all of us must be saved! He is "I AM" - the self existent one - the Creator of all things - the Provider of all my needs. If you want to grow in your relationship with the Lord you must also grow in your understanding of who He is.
I encourage you today to begin taking Jesus at His words. Read through the "red letters" of the Gospels. Read through the epistles and grow in your understanding of the one who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think. Think on the fact that Jesus said that whatever we ask in His name that He will do it! Is this the Jesus that you are experiencing?
I pray that when all is said and done...when my faith has become sight...that Jesus' won't be able to say "How long was I with you and yet you still didn't experience all that I am." May God enlighten the understanding of us all. May we not miss out on who He is for each of us!
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