Thursday, October 9, 2008

The "NUT" Doesn't Fall Far...

The Big News of the Day is (you guessed it) political. It seems that a particular community group is being looked at over voter registration fraud. ACORN has actually admitted to voter fraud through their registration efforts though they don't necessarily blame themselves. We are hearing reports out of Ohio, Nevada, and other battleground states. What you may not know about ACORN is their ties to Barack Obama.

Back in the early days of Obama's career he was asked to train leaders of ACORN in the efforts they are taking part in today. Not only that, but he serves as their attorney to handle the cases that were coming against them. This group is aggressive and the latest news I heard is that there are 10 states where ACORN's activity is being questioned. Listen to what some have said about this group: "They will follow buses...follow you doesn't matter what you tell them...they don't even put addresses on the forms..." Through the efforts of ACORN many Cowboys fans will be glad to hear that Tony Romo is now registered to vote in Nevada and in Ohio a cat was registered to vote in the 2008 election. Yes friends, they are voting early & often in this years election.

One of the huge problems that we are seeing out of all of this is not just Obama's association here but Obama's associations with several other radical people during his political career. Here's a list: Bill Ayers - Domestic Terrorist, Tony Rezko - corrupt businessman who is getting ready to go to jail, supported Obama's campaign, and got him a sweet deal on the lot next to him in the neighborhood. (As a note I would hate to live in that neighborhood since you have a liberal Senator living next to a corrupt businessman and down the street a known terrorist. And we cannot forget that Obama also has a working relationship with Rashid Khalidi - who has shown a hatred for Jewish people, Father Pflanagan - who has made several Anti-American remarks in his sermons, and of course his pastor Jeremiah Wright who thinks that God should damn America rather than bless it.

Here's the question that needs to be answered by Obama: We know that you want to be the Commander of Chief of the United States...why then are all your past associations anti-American? I know that they may be a hard question Senator but it does shed some light on comments by your wife that were made after you were nominated that she 'for the first time in [her] life is proud of America.' I would like an answer here. Some may say it doesn't matter. They will say this is just like people bringing up Clinton's alleged affairs when he was governor...Oh, wait, Bill did have an affair when he was president didn't he? Never mind.


Chris said...

You are absolutely right and it is amazing that the big news networks continue to ignore the very bad people associated with Obama. I pointed out today to a few people that if Senator Obama were applying for a government top secret security clearance he himself would not be granted one, due to his friendship alone with a known domestic terrorist like Bill Ayers. Further he would never be granted PRP certification which is the government certification to allow someone to gain access to nuclear weapons programs. Clearly the American public is being taken for a ride and the closer we get to Nov. 4, the more worried I become...

Neal Hawks said...

Thanks for the comment. You are absolutely right about the top security clearance. Wow!
The associations are even more scary when you consider that Louis Farakhan just came out and announced the Obama is the Messiah...yes, he used those words.