Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Great Article on Lame Christian Media

Allow me to share with you a recent article by Doug Giles. Doug is the voice for Clash Radio and a featured writer with town hall a conservative website. His latest article that came to me via e-mail talks about (in his words) the lame Christian media and it's lack of voice about our cultural corruption.

"If our nation goes down the secular crapper, then I lat a lot of the blame on the limp-wrist Christian media. Yep, I condemn Christian TV, Christian radio stations and Christian publishers that have the power and the audience to pump truth to the masses but have instead chosen to peddle spiritual candy rather than the unvarnished verities that the church and our nation need."

Giles go on to say that Christians who don't speak, sing or write to the serious issues of their day then they have become useless (I said it a little nicer than he did!).

"Aside from Dobson and his crew at Focus and a smattering of other luminaries, you don't hear many of the overt Christian writers or talking heads speaking even mildly to the sassy secularists who are hell-bent on wrecking this land...Y'know, I appreciate O'Reilly, Hannity, Beck and others who go to bat on behalf of Christian principles, but it would be kind of nice to see some more pastors in that mix also. Ted Nugent brings more truth to the table than most pastors and priests do on radio, TV and in print."

He goes on to say, "No matter how you want to slice your silence, Christian ministers and corporations, your mute mouth is cowardice of the highest order and a betrayal of our nation's Christian heritage."


I don't want to steal all of his thunder so if you want to read more then you need to check out his website and search for the article. He's right you know...there has been a lack of noise among our brethren. How can believers sit back and take everything on the cheek when we have been given the freedom to speak out? I must also agree with his assertion that political correctness is the overwhelming reason for the lack of voices on the issues of our day.

If there is one valuable lesson we should have learned from the days of prayer being taken out of our public schools it should be that Christians cannot sit idly by and think it could never happen. Think about some of the things that are going on in our world today. Just yesterday I heard a report out of (all places) San Fransisco where 1st Graders took a field trip to City Hall to celebrate the "marriage" of their lesbian teacher this past Friday. Where is the outrage from the church?

We must regain our voice for the moral issues of the day or our silence could be seen as acceptance. It's times like this that I truly miss Jerry Falwell. Whether you liked him or not at least you knew where he stood. Oh, how our churches need pastors who are not afraid to offend.

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