Friday, October 31, 2008

Friday - Trick or Treat?

Good Friday to all of you. I took our South Africa team to the airport yesterday. It was exciting to see them off. 3 out of the 7 were taking their 1st trip while 4 out of 7 were making their 1st overseas trip. It does my heart well to send them off to do God's work.

O.K. - It's Friday and there is only 4 days left until election day. Are you ready to vote? It will be good to watch TV and not have to see all of these campaign commercials. I'm also looking forward to watching something other than political commentary shows. Nothing against Hannity & Colmes but after this election I will be focusing on other things.

Tonight, our church will be hosting the annual Harvest Party. This is our Halloween alternative and normally very successful. I always find it interesting how many people are looking for something different than Halloween. We try and provide a safe and fun environment and hope that the kids will take more candy home than if they went door to door. It also keeps these families off the street.

Fall weather is here - and the mountains are beautiful. With the opening of muzzle loader season tomorrow there will be a lot more hunters in the woods. Pray for their safety. This is my favorite time of the year. I enjoy the hunting but I also enjoy being out in God's wonderful creation. I don't understand how anyone could enter into the beauty of this world and ever consider that it's all an accident.

I know that my thoughts are random today but that is how my mind is working this week. It's been one of "those" weeks but God is good and He has been always.

I hope and pray that all of you enjoy a wonderful weekend. Be in prayer about this upcoming election. Many of our freedoms are on the line as well as our economy. The fate of unborn children rest upon this election, as well as the sanctity of marriage. Our national defense rests in the balance dependent upon who we elect on Nov. 4th. Pray...pray...pray. Remember - God is in control.

P.S. I look forward to getting back to some normalcy with the blog next week. Especially with this election coming to a close, you can look forward to different entries. Thanks for allowing me to share my thoughts.

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