"Right Here, Right Now
There is no other place I want to be
Right Here, Right Now
Watching the world wake up from history"
I couldn't help but think of Paul's words to the Philippian church: "I am hard pressed between the two. My desire is to depart and be with Christ, for that is far better. But to remain in the flesh is more necessary on your account. Convinced of this, I know that I will remain and continue with you all, for your progress and joy in the faith." (Philippians 1:23-25)
While Paul understood the reality and joy of heaven, he also understood his purpose in the earth. He had a longing to see people grow in their understanding of Christ, to see the joy of the Lord increase in their lives, and to see the church continue. It would be good for us to have this mindset and to follow after the words of Jim Elliot as well: "Wherever you are, be all there."
I have been around some believers (even young ones) that just couldn't wait to get the heck out of Dodge. It seemed as though all we talked about, sang about, or read about had to do with heaven or the rapture. What I didn't realize back then was that if we aren't careful that we could actually commit spiritual suicide. Rather than find our place in the earth, discover how God has gifted us to impact the area, and learn what it means to be a son of God in the earth, we will sit back and just wait for something better to happen.
The song that I posted above was written during a lot of changes in Europe. In particular, the fall of the Berlin Wall had so changed the landscape that it had given people incredible hope. We see things like this all the time. Events that happen that are so inspiring that you realize that you are a part of history.
What if our lives are to be more than just a mere drop in the bucket? What if there are things that God longs to do through our lives that could actually change the landscape? Do we simply want to be a part of history or would we rather be history makers? These are legitimate questions. Jesus took ordinary men, many of whom were rejected by society, and turned the world upside down. He didn't simply take them up to Heaven when He ascended. He left them in the Earth to make a difference. This can be our lives as well.
Each of us have the opportunity to partner with God to see His glory literally cover the Earth. We get to make Him know to those who do not know Him, and encourage the lives of those who do. We get to make a lasting imprint in the Earth. That's why you can never minimize your faith and your ability to change the culture. It's also the reason why you cannot sit around just wondering when you get to leave. We've all seen this happen in the natural. You go somewhere and are totally consumed with going home that you miss out on what is happening around you. A lot of Christians in that boat. Their minds are totally focused on leaving that they simply cannot enjoy today. Not only can they not enjoy today but they miss out on so many wonderful things that are happening right in front of them.
Ask the Lord to open your eyes to the good things that are happening in the Earth. And wherever you see Him at work, join Him there. You can enjoy a long and fruitful life in Him. There's no need to cut it short. Jesus promised abundant life, not just a rewarding death. Squeeze every ounce joy out of this life - enjoy it fully - cause you get to enjoy it for all of eternity.
Enjoy the journey!!!
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