Romans 6:14, "For sin will have no dominion over you, since you are not under law but under grace."
When grace gets regulated to forgiveness - when that is all we know about it - then that is all we will ever experience. This is true of anything that we can ever know about God. We experience what we understand. Anything outside of our understanding tends to get shut down. Therefore, a ton of believers struggle to experience abundant life on a consistent basis. This has to change.
I was looking over a lot of old hymns about grace. There is one consistent theme: we are forgiven. What is incredibly lacking is the understanding of grace as the power of God at work in our lives. Just think about all the Christians that you know who have no problem going to God and asking for forgiveness but really don't have a clue how to overcome their particular issue. They quote verses like 1 Corinthians 10:13 but rarely find the way of escape. This has to change as well.
Being forgiven is only one aspect of the finished work of Christ. Becoming all that God has created us to be should be the result of our faith in Him. It opens the doorway into abundant life and freedom in Christ. The law was fulfilled in Christ, the benefits handed down to us, and we learn how to rest in Him. We find ourselves accepted in the Beloved, empowered by His Holy Spirit, filled with love - peace - joy, and able to overcome anything that would come against us.
Apart from grace we simply have to strive to be the best we can be. Enabling grace to work in our lives means that we get to be the best version of ourselves. Grace empowers us to overcome sin because Jesus already overcame it. Grace enables us to live abundantly because our life is hidden with Christ in God. Grace expands our understanding of God's unconditional love so that we can be settled in our relationship with Him. In effect, grace reminds us that Jesus did it all and we find it all in Him.
Grace is not a theory. It's not a fairy tale. It's an abiding reality that you must establish your heart in. The moment you can do that, the more victory you will experience in every area of life. You will discover an existence in this earth that you never dreamed possible. All because you have God's power at work in you to do anything & everything that He would ask of you.
The reason I posted Romans 6:14 is because you need to understand that the reason sin does not have dominion over you is because you are not under it. You are under grace. And in grace you will enjoy the benefits of abundant life in Christ. It's the only way to live. It's the life you were always meant to live. Enjoy the journey!!!
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