Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Lordship of Christ & Our Wholeness

This past Sunday I shared a message with PBC about the Lordship of Christ & Our Wholeness. It's my belief that when we make Jesus Lord over every area of our life that those places come under His rule and reign. Isaiah 9:7 speaks of the increase of His government and peace that there will be no end. Are you ready for that?

When you and I confess Jesus as Lord, believing in our heart that God raised Him from the dead, we are saved. Do you believe that? The word translated "saved" is the Greek word "Sozo". This word is powerful because it allows us to see the total package. It means: saved, healed, delivered, and made whole. The Lordship of Christ over our lives brings us into the wholeness that Jesus died to provide. That's why it is called good news.

The problem that many of us face is that we don't always encounter the wholeness. We don't always feel at peace. We don't always feel loved. We don't always feel abundant life flowing through our lives. Why is that? It's typically because we are not trusting God in certain areas of life. Romans 15:13, "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit." His Lordship means that I give Him full authority in every area. I give Him my hopes and dreams. I give Him my ambitions in life. I give Him all fear and anxiety. I give Him every situation (good or bad) and I allow Him to reign by fulling trusting.

The question is never about the validity of God's Word. The question always is whether or not I will allow it to be true in my life. When Isaiah prophecies of the increase of His government and peace that there will be no end - will you allow it to become true in your life? Will you allow Him to set up His throne in your heart? This is the only way to wholeness.

It's my belief that we only receive from God what we believe He possesses. That's why forgiveness is generally accepted. We believe Christ died so that we can be forgiven. But what if the message was preached that He died for your wholeness? What if the good news that people heard is that Jesus paid for your forgiveness, your healing, and your emotional well-being? I think the results of salvation in people's lives would be very different.

Let me encourage every reader with this: Jesus dies to make you whole.
Give Him Lordship in every area of life and allow Him to bring His wholeness into those situations. Confess Him as Lord over your family, Lord over your relationships, and Lord over every part of you. The changes will be dramatic.


kim said...

Great message Sunday. Awesome blog today!!

Neal Hawks said...

Thanks Kim.