Thursday, September 13, 2012

I'm going to go ahead and say it...

To quote Popeye, "I stands all I can stands and I can't stands no more." To say that our nation is divided over politics is an understatement. To say that the church is any different on this matter would be a lie. So how do we handle the mess of American politics as a follower of Christ? I'm glad you asked.

Before we get too far into the conversation, I feel it's important to tell you where I'm coming from. When I logged onto facebook this morning I saw a post from a "friend" about another "friend." Apparently he had been de-friended on fb because of political differences. He called it childish and that this person needed to grow up. I then noticed in the comments that he had mention his "friend's" name. This sparked other people to comment in like manner. Being the laid back non-confrontational person that I am (LOL), I commented. It seemed to me that this person was being just a childish because he posted something about another person when they couldn't see it. If you have issues then you should email them. Personally I don't believe putting these things out for everyone to see is the right way to handle it. The response? He de-friended me. Oh the irony!!!

What's my point? My point is that we tend to view other people in a light that we are not willing to live under. Jesus told us that whatever judgement we wanted to hand out would be the same judgement that we would have to live under (major paraphrase here). The thing we have to remember when it comes to political and religious discussion that they can become heated if we are not willing to allow Jesus to be Lord over these areas of life. And right now things are heating up. Not a day goes by where I don't see hundreds of posts in favor of one political party or another. I get emails from different groups about supporting this candidate or this cause. It's amazing how many different political organization are out there. Seriously...can you imagine what the world would be like if there was this type of excitement over sharing the Gospel?

My encouragement to all of us regarding faith and politics is very simple. If we cannot share our thoughts or our views in a way that honors God and the other person then let's stop. Most people that are talking about politics tend to have their mind made up already. Therefore, the sharing of political beliefs becomes a great big party for those who are like-minded. But for those who are outside the inner circle it feels more like "bull in the ring".

I'm not saying that you cannot have an opinion. I'm not saying that you cannot share your opinion. I'm simply saying when it comes to social media or social interaction that you need to be prepared to hear opposing opinions. If you are entering into an open discussion then get ready for this little surprise: NOT EVERYONE IS GOING TO AGREE WITH YOU. If they do then there is a good chance that your friends are too much like you.

When it comes to people of faith and their politics (and I'll probably take some heat on this one) - there are times when the best response is to not say anything. I'm serious! Let your voting do your talking for you. It's really that simple. There is a time and season for everything under the sun. If someone asks your opinion then feel free to share. If someone is looking for answers then you have an opportunity to give them yours. I would just like to see all of us turn it down a notch when it comes to the issue of politics. Especially if you call yourself a follower of Christ.

I know this hasn't been a typical post. Believe me when I say there are other things I'd rather be discussing. It's just my opinion that people of faith have a greater responsibility when it comes to these issues. We have the opportunity to share Christ in everything. We can express His heart and His character in every situation. And what we have to understand is that how we vote doesn't make us a better Christian. We don't become more like Christ because we pulled the lever for the right candidate. We become more like Him when we allow our minds to be renewed by the truth of His Word. To quote the Apostle Paul, "As much as lies within you, live peaceably with all men." 'Nuff said.


A said...

YESSSS!!!! :)
I am always amazed at how Christians will take pride in their hateful political posts, all the while, ignoring how their own words/actions may have hurt others and pushed people away from the very God they claim to serve.

A said...

and this is Alicia, of course :)

Neal Hawks said...

I had no doubt that you would enjoy this. Thanks for reading.