Matthew 18:20, "For where two or three together as my followers, I am there among them." What if God's idea of "Church" is different than ours? Will it cause us to view things differently?
I remember a time where I used to look at houses churches through a lens of skepticism. In fact, I was often critical. However, over the last few years, God has softened my heart to these dedicated believers. I have been able to understand the biblical model for church life and accept these house fellowships for what they truly are: the church.
Jesus told His followers very plainly that wherever they gathered together in His name, He would be in the midst of them. Throughout the New Testament we read about the church gathering in homes, in buildings, or on the beach. It really didn't matter where they met, Jesus was always with them. It's important to note that the church is about the community of believers who have gathered together for a specific purpose. It is my opinion that this is why we can visit with some "churches" and never sense the presence of God among them. It was never God's intention that the church become a religious establishment or another religious tradition. The church is the body of Christ that is composed of fellow believers who gather together for His glory.
I have been in the homes of believers who gather together for the purpose of edification, encouragement, and worship. There have been times that the presence of God was very strong in their midst. It is because of their heart to join together in fellowship, share the love of God with one another, and be the body of Christ that makes all the difference. Over my lifetime church has been associated with a building and was never considered "legal" unless it had a denominational name attached to it. You can imagine the surprise when "non-denominational" churches began to pop-up across our landscape. Who were these people and why couldn't they commit to a certain group?
Now that I have gotten to know many of these church members, it's easy to understand why they do what they do. They simply want to be known as followers of Christ. They may be non-denominational but they adhere to a belief system that is agreed upon in the group. For many of them I have witnessed a strong commitment to their fellowship. They are active believers who live out their faith in the community. They share with those in need and seek ways to minister as a group. They love the Lord and want to grow in the relationship with Him.
Why am I sharing all of this? The reason is very simple. I want us to consider why we join together. I want us to think about the reason we have joined with a particular group of believers. I want us to understand that every time we gather together as His followers, He is in the midst of us. We carry His presence and we must learn to practice His presence among us. It doesn't matter if we are meeting together with another group of believers in a house setting or an established church building - He will meet with us. Every time we get together is an opportunity to enjoy His presence together.
As the weekend is upon us, take these thoughts into your gathering place. Practice the presence of God among your brothers and sisters in Christ. Worship Him with all of your heart, share His love with every one around you, and enjoy your time in the Body of Christ. Remember that He is among you.
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