"Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see." {Hebrews 11:1} Some people may question my title. However, the way some people use the word "faith", the title makes perfect sense.
The writer of Hebrews makes it very clear to us that faith is something that is concrete. It has a quality about it that causes us to trust, feel secure, and live in bold expectation. If you read through the first few verses of Hebrews 11, then I think you will agree with me. We must be able to understand the power that lies behind the nature of faith, the testimony of faith, and the source of our faith.
The Nature of Faith:
Faith is Substance
Faith is Evidence
Faith touches what cannot be touched and see what cannot be seen. Possessing the faith to believe God is a particular area is enough faith to operate in. It gives you something to hold on to.
The Testimony of Faith:
If you go a little deeper into Hebrews 11, you read the testimonies of people who believed God in difficult circumstances. They were able to fully rely upon God for the needs in their life. When I read these testimonies, and hear of current testimonies of God's goodness and provision, it causes me faith to grow.
The Source of Faith:
Belief in God
Belief about God
Simply put, our ability to be strengthened in the faith is tied to our belief in the existence and nature of God. The writer states that everyone who comes to God must believe that He is AND that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. If I am sure of God's existence, and I am sure that He is good, then I will continue to pursue Him for everything in life. It is when I struggle with this understanding of God that I do not possess a faith that believes.
Much of the faith that I hear people talking about is like a trinket that can be worn around the neck. As long as I'm wearing the trinket, then I can believe. However, if you find me without my faith trinket then I will be operating in unbelief. Faith must become an abiding reality. Faith is what causes me to draw closer to Father God. Faith is what causes me to pray with full assurance. Faith is what allows me to trust in the goodness of God. Faith leads me to share the gospel, give of my resources, and walk according to the Spirit of God. Faith is vital to experiencing God in this life. It is a life of faith.
When does faith become something other than belief? Through EXPERIENCE. Once we have experienced God in this particular area, then we are able to draw upon a reality in our lives. We also learn to trust God in other areas. It's when we get into the realm of experience that we become a steward. We have trusted God, now God entrusts us. And when God entrusts us our relationship is elevated to another level.
Do you possess a faith that believe in the existence and nature of God?
Do you possess a faith that believes that God can do what we consider impossible?
Are you ready to move from faith to reality?
It is possible. All things are possible to him who believes!
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