How often have you considered that God hears you when you pray? Think about it: The God who created heaven and earth and everything in them hears you!!! With that understanding, prayer is not a religious exercise. Prayer is open communication with God.
Jeremiah 33:3 provides great encouragement: "Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know."
Allow me to highlight some important aspects of this verse.
#1 - Call to Me
While God is the great initiator, He often waits for us to draw near to Him. James tells us that if we will draw near to God then He will draw near to us. There are moments in life when there is definite leadership from God to pray but we cannot wait for those moments. God is ready to hear if we are ready to talk.
#2 - I Will Answer You
I'm amazed at the people who think that God never answers their prayers. Jesus promised us an open heaven. He told His disciples that if they would pray in His name that they would have what they asked for. I truly believe that God delights in answering His children.
#3 - Show You Great and Mighty Things
Not only does God delight in answering us when we call to Him, but He also is willing to reveal Himself to us. This is probably one of the most foreign concepts to prayer. While we may hear Him speak, sense His presence, or experience His answers; I wonder how many of us have seen what God is revealing when we pray. The prophet Joel promised visions and dreams through the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Do you believe that God can show you what you need to see?
This is relationship. It's not about sacrifice. It's not about religious duty. This is God calling out to His people and saying "If you will call to Me, I will answer." This is the life that Jesus lived while on the earth. He often withdrew to a secret place to commune with the Father. And I am convinced that it is in the secret place with the Father where we are given everything we need.
Take some time today to call on the Father who is listening.
Pray in a way that acknowledges He is with you.
Ask Him to reveal Himself, His nature, and His will.
Seek Him and He shall be found.
Knock and the door will be opened.
Ask and you shall receive.
He's waiting...
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