I want to share a very familiar portion of Scripture with you in very contemporary language. The Message translates 1 Corinthians 13:13 this way: "But for right now, until that completeness, we have three things to do to lead us toward that consummation: Trust steadily in God, Hope unswervingly, Love extravagantly. And the best of these three is love."
The consummation that Paul speaks about is when we arrive at the place where there is no more lack in our knowledge. Right now we know in part and we prophecy in part. He describes it as looking through a dark glass. However, when that which is perfect is come then that which is in part will be done away with. As we focus on this passage, I want you to consider some things with me.
"When that which is perfect is come..." has been debated for years. Some have taken it to mean the completion of the Bible. In my opinion, this is a huge stretch. Others believe that when Paul is speaking of the "perfect" that he is referring to Jesus' second coming. This stance is a little more believable and even safer. However, after a conversation with a friend the other day, I want you to ask yourself a couple of questions:
#1 - What has Paul been talking about during this entire portion of the letter?
#2 - Is there any reason to think that he would change direction?
Paul has been talking about LOVE - in particular "AGAPE" love. This is the unconditional love of God. He tells us about the wonderful attributes of this type of love. What it can accomplish, how it operates in relationship, and what it does in our individual lives. Love has the ability to move us beyond ourselves. And based upon the last verse we find in the chapter, Paul did not change his subject. With all that being said, consider with me that Paul is telling us that when we mature in love (become perfect in love) then we will be able to operate in full knowledge.
That line of thinking is very radical for what most of us have considered. But think about it...Jesus was perfect in love when He walked on this earth. The love that He operated in, which was the nature of His Father, believed all things, endured all things, and hoped all things. And this type of love is operational in us as well when we learn to abide as Jesus did.
When we mature in the love of God then we will not have any lack. And one day, when love is completely perfected in us, all of the things we do in part will be done away with. This is the ability of AGAPE at work in our lives. It draws us closer to the Father, makes us more like our Creator, and speaks the language of the Spirit. Growing in love is growing in the likeness of Jesus. And the more we are conformed to His image, then we will no longer look through a glass darkly.
God's unconditional love needs to be the foundation of all that we are, all that we do, and all that we hope to accomplish. When I am ministering to those around me, love has to be the basis for that ministry. When I am working on relationships, love has to be the driving force. In my own relationship with God, love is to be at the center of my being. The truth in all of this is that we can have the faith that moves mountains, speak with the tongues of angels, and even give ourselves over to torture for our faith; but without love it means nothing.
Trust steadily in God
Hope unswervingly
Love extravagantly.
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