"For I say, through the grace given to me, to everyone who is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think soberly, as God has dealt to each one a measure of faith. For as we have many members in one body, but all the members do not have the same function, so we, being many, are one body in Christ, and individually members of one another." ~ Romans 12:3-5
Consider this: When Jesus wanted to teach His disciples the proper way of entering the Kingdom of God, He placed a child in their midst as an object lesson. Before His arrest we read that Jesus stripped down, washed the disciples feet, and taught them about humility. Jesus also made it very clear that everyone was important in the Kingdom, no matter how insignificant a person may seem.
What do we gather from the lifestyle, teaching, and lessons from our Lord? The pathway to greatness in the Kingdom of God is through learning how to be the least among His people.
Humility is not about denying who you are in Christ. It's about seeing the worth of others, recognizing their significance, and having a willingness to serve rather than be served. It also does not mean that we do not give others the opportunity to serve us. I have met people through the years that think true humility is never allowing anyone to do something nice for you. I have witnessed them turning down checks, gifts, etc. simply because they didn't think it was right to receive them. However, what about the person that was offering? Do we ever consider that God may direct someone else to bless us? We have to give them the right to humble themselves as well.
The quality of fellowship that comes from this understanding is beautiful:
Mutual Respect
Mutual Affirmation
Mutual Encouragement
Mutual Affection
Everything is mutual. We recognize the greatness of God in others while they recognize it in us. We learn how to respond to one another as children of God. We weep with those who weep, rejoice with those who rejoice, and bear one another's burdens. We care about the families. We share with one another. This is the community of believers that God has designed. This is the fellowship of the redeemed.
Within this fellowship we have people who have been saved from every walk of life. We do not view them through their past but through the shed blood of Christ. We recognize their worth through the eyes of God and we treat them accordingly. Within this community, love is ever present, forgiveness is given immediately, and mercy is abundant.
Some of you may be wondering what fantasy land I'm living in. If this has not been your experience with the Body of Christ then I can understand. But it's not a fantasy land. This is biblical Christianity. It's the place where a former persecutor of the believers can become an apostle. It's where former harlots can be restored to a place of dignity. It's the place where families can be saved, destinies shaped, and ambassadors for the Kingdom equipped.
Over the last few days I have been thinking about this type of culture within the church. I realize that it doesn't exist everywhere. In fact, it's hard to find. Regardless, I do believe that we can create this type of culture. I believe that God can love others through us. I believe that we can dwell together in the unity of the Spirit and I will not be discouraged. This is the community that God longs for and we desire. It's the type of community that the world is looking for as well.
Doesn't it sound great? It sound great because it is great. This is the greatness of the Kingdom. How do we get there? If anyone desires to be great in the Kingdom of God then they must be willing to be the servant of all.
Got Humility?
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