James 2:15-16, "If a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food, and one of you says to them, 'Depart in peace, be warmed and filled,' but you do not give them the things which are needed for the body, what does it profit?"
James uses the verses above to illustrate how faith and works go together. What we believe should affect what we do. Like many churches in America, we have a very simple purpose statement: "Love God - Love Others - Serve Both." It is our aim as a body of believers to do more than say "I love you." We want to be an expression of our love for God and one another.
This past week we were blessed to see an outpouring of love for a couple in our church. This family has been such a blessing to our fellowship over the last few years. We have witnessed God's amazing power at work in their lives. They have been radically transformed and serve the body in various ways. We have also been blessed by their work in the community as they seek to share the Good News of salvation, healing and deliverance through the shed blood of Jesus Christ. After talking with the husband on Saturday, I felt led to share some of the family needs with the entire church. It was amazing to see our fellowship respond to the needs of this family. Person after person came forward and laid their offering at the altar and God provided greatly for the financial needs of this family. What an incredible testimony of what it means to be a family of believers.
James tells us that it doesn't profit anyone when we hear of their needs and do nothing. It doesn't profit the individual in need and it doesn't profit us to say "God in peace and be filled." There must be a recognition that oftentimes we are the ones that God wants to use to fill a need. We can be the answer to someones prayers. We could be that "on time" miracle that they are waiting to manifest. Faith without works is dead, and love without demonstration isn't love.
The demonstration of love that we witnessed on Sunday morning came in direct response to a sermon about living as sons/daughters of God in the earth. Within this fellowship of God's children should be a culture of honor. This honor culture seeks to be a blessing to those around them, make Jesus Lord in every area of life, and to be a manifestation of God's love to those around them. We don't honor people because they are "worthy" but because they are of worth in the eyes of God. Every person we come in contact with has been created in the image of God. When we love them, we love God. When we serve them, we serve God. This is the fulfillment of the Great Commandment that Jesus spoke about. Loving and Serving God and others goes hand in hand.
As we prepare to remember the crucifixion of our Lord and celebrate His resurrection from the dead, let us think about all that His life revealed to us. May we be mindful of His undying affection for the Father and His brethren. May we walk in the compassion that He demonstrated while on the earth. And may we seek to be a manifestation of God in the world.
Do you believe in the death and resurrection of Jesus? Then show somebody what it means. You will both profit from it.
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