On the darkest day in human history, we hear the greatest words ever spoken: "
It is Finished!" {
John 19:30}
Jesus' death on the Cross became the atonement for the sin of man. All that could be done, all that needed to be accomplished, and all that the Father had planned from the foundation of the world was complete.
2 Corinthians 5:18-21 give us the amazing description of what Jesus was accomplishing by His death. Most of us understand that His death was a demonstration of the love of God (
Romans 5:8), but the death of Jesus was so much more.
- We read in verse 18 of 2 Corinthians 5 that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself. In other words, God was bringing peace to a relationship where there was conflict. He was restoring order where there once was chaos. He was satisfying the need for atonement set forth in the law. "In fact, according to the law of Moses, nearly everything was purified with blood. For without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness." {
Hebrews 9:22} Jesus' death brought about the forgiveness that was needed. Sin had destroyed man's relationship with God. God used the Cross to restore what was lost.
- Verse 21 tells us that God "
made Him who know no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him." He who knew no sin became sin so that we who knew no righteousness could be made righteous. What a trade!!! Jesus' death allows God to treat man as if he has never sinned. He no longer imputes the world's trespasses to them. He has removed every barrier.
- Paul makes it very clear that God has done all that needs to be done. The price for our salvation has been paid. The very thing that has kept us from knowing God has been removed. The blood of Christ has satisfied the Old Covenant and sealed a New Covenant. Our part in the New Covenant is to accept Jesus' atonement for us. When we confess Him as Lord of our lives, believing in His resurrection from the dead, the Bible says that we are saved. We are made complete, we are healed, and we are delivered. His righteousness becomes our righteousness.
- Have you ever bought a home or car? Usually the process is complete when you sign a contract. In the contract you agree to purchase the item for the price that was established. In the New Covenant, God has done all the leg work and ran all the numbers. He took full responsibility for ensuring that you wouldn't have to pay a dime. If you want to enjoy this abundant life in Jesus, it is your faith that signs the contract. When you say "
Yes" to Jesus, God has agreed to abide by all the terms of this covenant. You receive eternal life, forgiveness of sin, the indwelling Holy Spirit, and all you need for life and godliness. But the choice is yours. God will not force His will upon you. It is my job to tell you about the reconciliation of God and to allow Him to plead through me: "
Be reconciled to God."
As we remember the crucifixion of Jesus I want you to take comfort in knowing that every bruise was for your iniquities, all the scourging was for your peace, and all the stripes were for your healing. God's love for you has been demonstrated once and for all. Everything needed for your salvation has been provided by God Himself. All that is left for you to do is accept by faith the incredible gift of God.
A - Admit that God has not been first place in your life.
B - Believe that Jesus died for your sin and rose from the dead.
C - Confess Jesus as Lord and Savior of your life.