In Matthew 8:2-3 we find the story of a man with leprosy coming to Jesus. He says, "Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean." Jesus stretched out His hand and touched the man. He said, "I am willing..."
Over the past few days I have been praying for a friend of mine who is in the hospital. I have no doubt that God is touching his body and that he will be coming out very soon. The words that Jesus spoke to this man with leprosy have brought me great encouragement. Oh, how we need to hear Him say, "I am willing."
I want you to think with me about how we handle God's willingness.
Is God willing to SAVE?
Is God willing to PROVIDE?
Is God willing to DEFEND His Children?
Is God willing to SPEAK to us?
Is God willing to LEAD?
The answer to all of these question usually come with a positive response. We hear them and almost automatically say "Yes" or "Absolutely". We have read God's Word and found the answer. We know that anyone who comes to Jesus, He will not cast out. We know that God has revealed Himself as our Provider and that we do not need to worry about the things that tend to consume our thought life. We have read that God watches over His children and that He will not leave or forsake us. We have also discovered that God speaks to us when we are willing to listen and that the Holy Spirit will always guide us in truth. However, when we come to this issue of healing...we have plenty of reasoning to keep us from considering God's willingness to touch our bodies.
Here are a few of the prayers that I have heard in my lifetime:
"God if you are willing..."
"Lord, if it will bring you glory..."
"I know that you are able..."
"Let your will be done..."
While most of these prayers are grounded in an understanding of God's ability to heal, many of them lack a foundational understanding of God's willingness to heal. I'm not trying to stir up controversy. I am trying to stir up faith in God's people.
Jesus told His disciples (Mark 16:17-18) that these signs will follow them that believe: "...they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover." While there has been much argument over the validity of this portion of scripture, there is no valid reason to not believe these words to be true. This portion of Mark is found in all the major and commonly used manuscripts. In other words, this portion of Mark belongs with the rest of the Gospel. When we look at how the followers of Jesus ministered in the book of Acts we find them laying hands on the sick and people receiving healing. Isaiah told us of the suffering Messiah and that it is by His striped that we are healed (Isaiah 53:5). Why then do we struggle in our understanding of God's willingness to heal?
Here's why we struggle (in my opinion):
We have never experienced it.
We have prayed for people but didn't see the answer.
We don't believe that God still operates this way in the world.
We trust the words of Doctors over the words of Jesus.
We don't see healing as something provided in the finished work of Christ.
Etc., etc., etc...
Folks, I'm not saying that I have all the answers. I don't even have all the questions!!! There have been people that I have prayed for and didn't see the desired results. However, I am confident that God is willing to heal more people than we understand. I still believe that we are able to lay hands on the sick and see them recover. I still believe in calling upon the elders of the church, anointing with oil, and that the prayer of faith saves the sick. While I may not be able to explain everything, I still trust in the heart of God. Jesus still says, "I am willing."
The church must recapture this confidence. We must be like Jesus - moved with compassion, willing to stretch out our hands. This act of faith is grounded in God's Word and established in the heart of God. To question His willingness is to question His heart for His children. We must stop thinking that God gives stones instead of bread, and scorpions instead of eggs. God is much more willing than we perceive. Every act of grace in our lives is a manifestation of His heart for us. When we realize that, and understand that this reaches out to every portion of life, we will begin to move in faith.
Jesus says, "I am willing." He is the same yesterday, today, and forever (Hebrews 13:8). You can trust in the heart of God as revealed through Jesus Christ.
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