What is our message? It was God's intent that, through the church, His manifold wisdom would be made known (Eph. 3:10). With that being said...why is there so much confusion?
The foundational message of the church is the Gospel (Good News) of Jesus Christ. Within this good news we have discovered the unconditional love of God. John 3:16 was the life of verse of Jesus Christ. "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son..." All that Jesus did, said, and displayed was the love of God for mankind. He came with no other intention but to reveal the heart of the Father and to be the atoning sacrifice for our sin. How can we possibly miss this?
Before I go any further, I want you to know that I love the church. However, I am not blind to the reality of how the church is perceived in the world. We are often seen as critical, judgmental, and hypocritical. Do you know why? I have a simple answer: We don't live out the message that we say we believe in!!!
1 John 4:8 tells us that "God is love." John then goes on to tell the church that we shouldn't be anything less. We should be the embodiment of love to the world. We should preach a message of God's love for the world. And we should operate as those who are loved by loving one another. God has done everything possible to show us His love.
In the Word - you read it.
In History - you see it.
In the Cross - you find it.
In the Church - ???
I was actually thinking about this issue last night while discussing theology with some friends. There are actually certain denominations that believe once you experience a particular manifestation of spiritual gifts that you have received the fullness of the Spirit. However, because they do not believe that you are secure in your salvation that this same Spirit (which you have received fully) can/will leave you. Where is the love of God in that?
Before you think I'm picking on a particular denomination keep reading. Other denominations believe that you are secure in your salvation by the grace of God but spend a lot of time focusing on works for establishing your righteousness. Although it may not be communicated so directly, the thought process is there. Grounded in salvation but bound in legalism. Where is the love of God in that?
All that we are as believers, all that we do, and all that we can operate in is based on faith. It's a faith that believes in the unconditional love of God, operates in the grace of God, and trusts whole-heartedly in the fact that Jesus Christ accomplished all that needed to be accomplished. As a believer I now rest in all that God has done in Christ and walk in this love relationship. The work, the discipleship, the growth...it all comes as a result of living out this love that I have for God. Because I am saved - I flesh it out. It comes out in my worship, in my conversations, in my decisions, in my family, and in my preaching.
The message that must be re-claimed by the Body of Christ is the love of God. The understanding that we have of God must be grounded in the unconditional love of God. This is the foundation for all that we do - all that we are - and all that we hope to be. Get into His Word and rediscover the love of God. It will change your life.
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