"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a NEW CREATION; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new." 2 Corinthians 5:17
This will be my last blog entry for a few days so I want to make it count!
I have been thinking about the reality of 2 Corinthians 5:17 for a few days now and there are some things that I want to point out.
I don't think Scripture can be any more clear than this. When we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, there is a transformation that occurs. Salvation makes us a new creation. This transformation is more than just a reformation! God doesn't want to reform you - if all you needed was reforming then Jesus could have established a recovery program rather than dying on a cross. A sinner reformed is nothing more than a reformed sinner. God's design is to remove your sin and bring about a transformation.
This is HUGE! Do you understand that God has the ability to strip away all the chains of the past life? Where is this in the church today? A drunkard can be delivered from alcohol! An addict can be delivered from drugs! Whatever the situation may be from the old life - God takes it away. It doesn't mean that those old things won't come knocking at your door. But now you have the ability to say "NO!" Not only can you say "NO" but you are no longer that person. You are NEW in CHRIST.
This new life should be filled with new affections, new goals, new ambitions, and new direction. People should be able to look at your life and say, "There's something new about him/her." When I come to faith in Jesus, I repent of my old lifestyle. Repentance is a 180 degree turn. I once walked in my sin - now I walk in righteousness. Not only that, but repentance is a changing of the mind. I no longer think that doing the things I used to do are the way to bring pleasure into my life. I have found a new way to fulfill the longing of my heart and it is in Jesus Christ!
I have said this before: What is missing in most of our churches is SPIRITUAL REALITY! We can't convince people to come to faith in Christ because what they see doesn't match what they are told. The church (Body & Bride of Christ) should be different from the world. Our lives should be separated from the things of the world. But as long as we continue to treat marriage vows with contempt, sin as shortcomings rather than transgression, and love as something to be given only when it is received then we will never convince the world that Jesus is the ANSWER.
Oh, that God would change our hearts again. May He cause a Spiritual Awakening to come upon the church like never before. There is a need in the world today for believers to live like believers. The world needs to see the New Creation in US! Ask yourself: "What needs to change?" "What is in my life that keeps people from seeing Jesus in me?" Take those things before God and watch Him transform you.
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