Over the past few weeks there has been one dominant theme that the Lord has lead me to share with others: "You may profess it but do you POSSESS it?"
I sense that there is a time coming in the church when we will no longer be able to straddle the fence. The times we live in demands spiritual reality. Saying something isn't the same as doing something! James said, "...Show me your faith without your works, and I will show you my faith by my works." (James 2:18) Some people try to imply that James is leaning toward salvation by works. Absolutely not! What James is attempting to teach the church is that faith without works is dead.
Listen to this warning in Paul's letter to Titus: "They profess to know God, but in works they deny Him, being abominable, disobedient, and disqualified for every good work." (Titus 1:16) I have a friend in the ministry who said, "You can't live wrong and die right!" In other words, our lives need to match what we say we believe.
Some people might take offense to this type of preaching. When I make statement like this, the quick argument is: "What about eternal security?" Folks, the problem is that we don't understand what eternal security is all about. There is a great multitude in our congregations today who are trusting in a particular event in life (I went forward, I prayed a prayer, I was baptized, or I joined the church) but have absolutely no reality of faith evident in the way they live. My understanding of salvation is that when we come to faith in Jesus that "old things are passed away - all things become new." If we have been saved then our lives will give evidence of this salvation. Eternal Security means that the believer is secure in their salvation. You cannot lose it like someone losing a wedding ring. God will not break His covenant with you. This covenant is based upon the finished work of Jesus Christ. But this covenant doesn't give you a license to sin!
Eternal security completely trusts and affirms the grace of God. We didn't do anything to be saved and we cannot do anything to stay saved. Salvation is the work of God in my life. It's complete and continual. I have been saved - I am being saved - I will be saved. Salvation takes care of my past, my present, and my future. The teaching of eternal security is all about assurance. It gives me the understanding that if I stumble that God's grace is sufficient. I'm not perfect - I am forgiven.
Here's one of the scariest portion of Scriptures that I have ever read: "Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, 'Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?' And I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!'" (Matthew 7:21-23)
The thing to take note of in Matthew 7 is that Jesus doesn't argue about what they have done in His name. He simply says, "I never knew you." Salvation isn't about what you profess. Salvation is all about being HIS! I can have a religious experience but it doesn't mean that I have been brought into a relationship. The greatest need today is not people who draw close to God with their lips but those whose hearts are with Him.
My encouragement to you: NAIL IT DOWN! If there is any doubt in your heart that you are saved - go to God in prayer and confess Jesus as Lord. Give yourself completely to Him. Surrender your will to His will.
I just had an opportunity yesterday to share this experience with someone. This person have known for some time. Never have I doubted their salvation. However, God was pressing in on their heart. "You profess it but do you possess it?" This question just kept ringing in their spirit. As I listened to what God was saying, the word "Surrender" kept coming up. I don't know what it was all about. I don't know if the person wasn't genuinely saved or not. All I know is that yesterday this person "Nailed it Down!" God's presence was real and the peace of God flooded in as we prayed. Only God knows what truly took place in that time. And I guarantee that we will see a difference in the life of this individual. His life will become more than just a profession of God but a possession of God.
Dear Reader,
I do not share these things with you to bring fear. I share this with you to awaken a reality. Most believers that I speak with have come to a place in life where they have had to own their salvation. In other words, it was more than just a confession of faith. They had to walk in it! I remember sitting in the back of a church building by myself and crying out to God "Lord, I'm yours! I can't live it - I just want You to live it through me." From that moment on my life changed. I was saved before that but what was missing was the reality.
My prayer for you is that you will "Nail it Down." The Bible teaches us to "make your calling and election sure." It also says that we should "work out your own salvation with fear and trembling." Remember that this isn't a salvation by works. NO - we must fully trust in the grace of God! However, what you will experience after this is a life that demonstrates who you are in Christ.
**If you take the steps that I have shared with you please share it with me. Click on the comments and tell me about your experience. Where you saved? Did you re-commit your life to Him? Did you sell out to all that God wanted? Thanks in advance for letting me know and may God bless you as you walk with Him.
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