Friday, April 30, 2010

Time to Change the Argument!

To say that I was angry doesn't fully express all of my emotions. I was sick to my stomach, frustrated (extremely frustrated), saddened, and (YES!) angry. It happened last week when my wife and I received a phone call that told us to turn to Larry King and watch an interview. Our kids were in the room so we didn't do it. I knew what the show was all about. We found out that another one of our "Christian" artists had announced that they were homosexual.

Unfortunately, this is starting to become all too common. In 2008 there was another famed artist who announced that he was a homosexual. In his pursuit of homosexuality he left of trail of a broken marriage, children without a father, and a Christian fan base scratching their collective heads. The question in all of this is how do we change the argument? It seems as though people with traditional Christian beliefs about sexuality are viewed with such disdain. We are seen as judgmental, arrogant, and even narrow minded. Trevin Wax wrote an excellent article for Baptist Press which talks about this problem. After reading the transcripts from Larry King's show - here are the suggestions he came up with:

1. "We need to shift emphasis from the truth that 'everyone is a sinner' to the necessity of repentance."

This is a very powerful argument. All of us seem to understand our sinfulness (to one degree or another) but how many of us understand the necessity of repentance. Without repentance we cannot be saved. It takes more than an intellectual acknowledgment of what Jesus has done on the cross. The Bible teaches us very clearly that we must turn from our life of sin to follow Jesus. Repentance = agreeing with God about my sin and turning from it. I not only confess my sin but I give it up!

2. "We must not allow ourselves to be defined by our sexual attractions."

Many of those who choose to follow the path of their attraction seem to think that they are being true to themselves. However, if we took this same approach within the confines of traditional sexual attraction there would be a huge uproar. What if I'm attracted to a woman other than my wife. If I don't run after her am I not being true to myself? Actually, when I choose to live in proper relationship to my wife I'm being true to her and to God. Sexual attraction and sexual behavior are two totally different things. Although I may not be able to understand being attracted to the same gender - acting upon that attraction takes me outside of God's design (one man - one woman).

3. "We must expose the arrogance and judgmentalism of those who would so flippantly dismiss the witness of Christians for 2,000 years."

I find it interesting that the traditionalist is always viewed as judgmental. However, how arrogant for those on the other side to reject the teachings of the church, the Bible, and the last 2,000 years of the Christian faith. There may be some who would dismiss the teachings of the Old Testament but how could we possibly ignore what the Bible says in Romans? In Chapter 1:18-32 (this is New Testament Folks!) we see that people who go down this path are doing that which is unnatural. Don't give me the argument that they are just being who God "created" them to be! God's Word teaches otherwise. It seems to me that they got to a place where they had "itching ears" and went out found a teacher who would make them feel comfortable in their sin.

4. "We need soft hearts toward Christians struggling with same-sex attraction."

This is a situation that the church is going to have to deal with. We need to find a way to communicate truth to those who struggle in this area. Although you may view it differently it is no different that people who struggle with porn, drugs, alcoholism, etc. It's a genuine temptation for some and we need to be able to love people toward deliverance. Can it happen? Yes - it can!

At the bottom of this blog entry I'm posting a website operated through the Southern Baptists that helps people overcome this particular perversion. My hope is that the church will not run away from this issue or turn our backs on those who need us. We must be the agent of change.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

A Promise Delivered

"For all the promises of God in Him are Yes, and in Him Amen, to the glory of God through us." 2 Corinthians 1:20

I'm so grateful to be able to share with you a story about a promise delivered. Due to security reasons I will not give out names or locations. However, I will do my best to communicate this awesome blessing.

Nine months ago we received word that our missionary friends were expecting their 2nd child. The next day, the expectant mother had to have emergency surgery! Immediately the people of God began praying and God in His faithfulness answered our prayers. Statistically speaking - she should have never made it out of the hospital alive. But with God, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!

Though the next 9 months would prove to be difficult in many ways, this couple remained faithful to God. One reason was that God had spoken to the mother through a dream. This dream came during her surgery. In the dream she saw the Lord holding her child. His words were, "Don't worry - He's with Me." She asked the Lord, "Does that mean that he is with You so that you can protect him or does it mean that I will never get to hold him?" She never received an answer. A few days later we talked about the dream and I felt sure that God was affirming that He was protecting the child and that everything would be O.K. Today, that promise is a reality!

Baby and mother are doing well and we trust that God will continue to watch over this family. We thank God for His faithfulness.

I pray that today's blog will encourage you. Instead of wringing your hands at life's difficulties - choose to hold on to the promises of God. His promises are sure and steadfast. If He has spoken, it will be delivered.

You may not be able to understand His timing but you can always trust His heart.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Nail It Down

Over the past few weeks there has been one dominant theme that the Lord has lead me to share with others: "You may profess it but do you POSSESS it?"

I sense that there is a time coming in the church when we will no longer be able to straddle the fence. The times we live in demands spiritual reality. Saying something isn't the same as doing something! James said, "...Show me your faith without your works, and I will show you my faith by my works." (James 2:18) Some people try to imply that James is leaning toward salvation by works. Absolutely not! What James is attempting to teach the church is that faith without works is dead.

Listen to this warning in Paul's letter to Titus: "They profess to know God, but in works they deny Him, being abominable, disobedient, and disqualified for every good work." (Titus 1:16) I have a friend in the ministry who said, "You can't live wrong and die right!" In other words, our lives need to match what we say we believe.

Some people might take offense to this type of preaching. When I make statement like this, the quick argument is: "What about eternal security?" Folks, the problem is that we don't understand what eternal security is all about. There is a great multitude in our congregations today who are trusting in a particular event in life (I went forward, I prayed a prayer, I was baptized, or I joined the church) but have absolutely no reality of faith evident in the way they live. My understanding of salvation is that when we come to faith in Jesus that "old things are passed away - all things become new." If we have been saved then our lives will give evidence of this salvation. Eternal Security means that the believer is secure in their salvation. You cannot lose it like someone losing a wedding ring. God will not break His covenant with you. This covenant is based upon the finished work of Jesus Christ. But this covenant doesn't give you a license to sin!

Eternal security completely trusts and affirms the grace of God. We didn't do anything to be saved and we cannot do anything to stay saved. Salvation is the work of God in my life. It's complete and continual. I have been saved - I am being saved - I will be saved. Salvation takes care of my past, my present, and my future. The teaching of eternal security is all about assurance. It gives me the understanding that if I stumble that God's grace is sufficient. I'm not perfect - I am forgiven.

Here's one of the scariest portion of Scriptures that I have ever read: "Not everyone who says to Me, 'Lord, Lord,' shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, 'Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?' And I will declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!'" (Matthew 7:21-23)

The thing to take note of in Matthew 7 is that Jesus doesn't argue about what they have done in His name. He simply says, "I never knew you." Salvation isn't about what you profess. Salvation is all about being HIS! I can have a religious experience but it doesn't mean that I have been brought into a relationship. The greatest need today is not people who draw close to God with their lips but those whose hearts are with Him.

My encouragement to you: NAIL IT DOWN! If there is any doubt in your heart that you are saved - go to God in prayer and confess Jesus as Lord. Give yourself completely to Him. Surrender your will to His will.

I just had an opportunity yesterday to share this experience with someone. This person have known for some time. Never have I doubted their salvation. However, God was pressing in on their heart. "You profess it but do you possess it?" This question just kept ringing in their spirit. As I listened to what God was saying, the word "Surrender" kept coming up. I don't know what it was all about. I don't know if the person wasn't genuinely saved or not. All I know is that yesterday this person "Nailed it Down!" God's presence was real and the peace of God flooded in as we prayed. Only God knows what truly took place in that time. And I guarantee that we will see a difference in the life of this individual. His life will become more than just a profession of God but a possession of God.

Dear Reader,
I do not share these things with you to bring fear. I share this with you to awaken a reality. Most believers that I speak with have come to a place in life where they have had to own their salvation. In other words, it was more than just a confession of faith. They had to walk in it! I remember sitting in the back of a church building by myself and crying out to God "Lord, I'm yours! I can't live it - I just want You to live it through me." From that moment on my life changed. I was saved before that but what was missing was the reality.

My prayer for you is that you will "Nail it Down." The Bible teaches us to "make your calling and election sure." It also says that we should "work out your own salvation with fear and trembling." Remember that this isn't a salvation by works. NO - we must fully trust in the grace of God! However, what you will experience after this is a life that demonstrates who you are in Christ.

**If you take the steps that I have shared with you please share it with me. Click on the comments and tell me about your experience. Where you saved? Did you re-commit your life to Him? Did you sell out to all that God wanted? Thanks in advance for letting me know and may God bless you as you walk with Him.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Can We Handle the Truth?

"Jesus told him, 'I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through Me.'" (John 14:6)

In his book "Houses that Change the World", Wolfgang Simson quoted an Argentinian Evangelist to make a powerful statement concerning our way of church. Juan Carlos Ortiz once remarked: "There are more than 22,000 denominations in the world. How lucky you are that you happen to be in the one that is right!" Since then we have witnesses an increase of the number anywhere between 24,000 and 30,000.

Have we forgotten the words of our Lord? Jesus said that He is the way, the truth, and the life. However, we continue to hold on to our version of the truth. Could it be that the problem we see in many churches is that our steadfast determination to protect our truth is actually keeping the TRUTH from having His way?

From Day 1, I have sought to share with you the things that God is doing in my heart. The problem with that is what I share may seem a little radical. I tend to be very narrow minded in regards to these things. But since you keep coming back to read I feel that I have gained your trust.

What is God doing in me? He's challenging me. He's stirring my heart to look outside of the traditional forms and norms. He's inviting me to join in His way of doing things. Of course...this takes time. I often find myself joining God in what He is already doing and praying that the church will join me as I have joined Him. With all that being said, here's what God is teaching me.

Many people within the church have heard of the Reformation. It refers to the time that God was stirring the heart of Martin Luther in regards to salvation by grace through faith. This is one of the most pivotal moments in the Christian faith. No longer would salvation be tied to works, prayers, offerings, or rituals. The key to salvation that was re-discovered by Martin Luther was GRACE!

Another reformation that happened in the church was a spiritual reformation. The priesthood of all believers led to a greater intimacy with God. It also led to a greater responsibility of each and every believer following after the leadership of God to ministry. Luther's reformation dealt with theology while this 2nd reformation dealt solely with spirituality. As followers of Christ we have come to realize that God has gifted each of us with abilities to be used in His kingdom. We can no longer sit on the sideline and watch ministry being done. No...we should join God in what He is doing.

In spite of all this change, one thing that hasn't changed is the structure. We continue to "do church" inside this marriage of the Old Testament "House of God" mentality to the Jewish synagogue. Therefore, what we participate in on Sunday mornings is a service designed for the people to hear from a particular individual inside a building designed to house God. Think about it! Does this sound New Testament to you?

When we read the Acts of the Apostles we will find that Paul purposefully did the work of the church outside the synagogue. It was his custom to visit there first, but then he would gather together with the believers inside homes or buildings. It seems to me that we have stopped doing what Paul did. Instead, we have moved believers inside and wait for the world to come to us. In doing this, we have trapped the follower of Jesus in a religious system where the greatest attainment becomes church membership.

We have turned the community into a convent. A convent is: 1. A community, especially of nuns, bound by vows to a religious life under a superior. 2. The building or buildings occupied by such a community. Doesn't this sound like church as you know it? Could it be that church as we know it is keeping us from being church as God wants it?

We must be willing to challenge the structure of today's churches. The Bible teaches us that God has given Apostles, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers for the equipping of the body for works of ministry. However, when I step inside a church building all I can find is a pastor(s), some deacons, and the members. We have turned all of our ministry over to a group of professionals and sit back to watch. We have allowed one man to go to God and hear for us just like the Israelites and Moses. But I think that God has a better way.

The question is: Are we ready to turn the church over to the Lordship of Christ? Can we trust that He will give us the overseers and leaders that we need. Can we trust that they will equip us for works of ministry? Can we stop looking at discipleship as something we do in Sunday School and Small Groups and begin to see that the New Testament model for growing in Christ actually came through relationship? I know that what I'm proposing is revolutionary but isn't that the point? Shouldn't we consider starting a revolution or at least a reformation?

I wonder who will join me...
I wonder who would love to see the church become all that she can become...
I wonder...

There is a lot to think about in all of this. There is a lot of work to be done. But I do believe that we have to get rid of the consumer religion that we have created and move into a different era of the church. All the while remembering that Jesus is the WAY.

Friday, April 23, 2010

An Interesting Comparison

This morning I was given an opportunity to go on my first Spring Gobbler hunt of the season. It's that time of year again in VA and I welcomed the time in the woods. Being out in God's creation is one of the ways I'm able to clear my mind and simply rest in the goodness of the Lord.

I thought of an interesting comparison while I was out there. So much of what we do in hunting can be compared to evangelism.
Preparation: It's hard to be a good hunter if you don't have the proper equipment, haven't scouted the land, or have a good place to hunt. We can use this same criteria for sharing the Good News. If I haven't prepared myself with the Gospel, haven't located the location of those who don't know Jesus, or don't put myself in the best area to share then I'm not going to be quite as successful in reaching people for Christ.
Desire: If I don't desire to be out in the woods then I'm going to stay in bed. Who gets up at 4:30 am to venture off if you don't have the heart to do it. The same can be said when it comes to evangelism. If I don't desire to see people saved then I will never look for opportunities to share.
Enjoying the Hunt: If I killed something every time I stepped into the woods then I wouldn't call it hunting - I would call it killing. The fact is that there are many times that I go out and do not claim the prize. However, if I don't go then I won't be successful. If you don't enjoy sharing Jesus then you won't. If you get frustrated by rejection to the point of giving up then you won't tell people about His grace. But if you can learn to enjoy the opportunity and the obedience then you will continue to share with joy.

Turkey hunting has some great similarities to sharing the Gospel. I'm what I call an "active" hunter. In other words, I like to do things to draw the prize to me. When deer hunting I grunt, use cover scents, and rattle. Turkey hunting is a sport where it's almost necessary to call. You can go out - find a spot - and wait but the chances are against you. However, if you will pick up a chalk box, slate, or a mouth call then you can draw them to you.

Some of the modern "tools" of evangelism tells you to wait for them to get to church. All you have to do is design the service around/for them and hope that when they come then your message will be successful. Friendship evangelism takes the approach of getting close to someone in hopes that your life will rub off on them. That you will gain their interest in spiritual things and when the time is right - BAM! - give them the Gospel. However, the Bible teaches us that people will not come to the Lord until they hear - and they will not hear unless someone shares - and someone doesn't share unless they are sent. We cannot sit idly by and hope that the world will pass our way. We must go to them! We must call them with the Gospel message. This method has the greatest success rate when it comes to evangelism.

Another aspect of calling to the lost as it applies to turkey hunting is that there are different types of calls. When it comes to turkeys, some like the sound of a particular call over another. You may have a glass, ceramic, or slate call - each with a different sound. There are chalk boxes and mouth calls each designed to bring the bird that is ready straight to you. Jude 22 says, "And on some have compassion making a distinction; but others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire, hating even the garment defiled by the flesh." There are some people that you share with who need to be warned of the judgment of hell. Although all of us need to recognize that we are sinners who need to be saved by grace, some people will respond to the love of God rather than the judgment of God. Some will respond by understanding that their sins lead to death and death without Christ is hell (literally). We simply need to understand what works for whom we are sharing.

Regardless of your approach and message, one thing is for sure, you greatest chance of success in evangelism is to be out in the field sharing with the lost.
Ask God to give you the desire.
Do what you can do to prepare yourself.
Then GET OUT THERE!'s a different kind of hunting but listen to the words of James: "Let him know that he who turns a sinner from the error of his way will save a soul from death and cover a multitude of sins." James 5:20

Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Light that Never Fails

I was reading Oswald Chambers this morning when I came across these powerful words:

"In the early stages of the Christian life, disappointments will come— people who used to be lights will flicker out, and those who used to stand with us will turn away. We have to get so used to it that we will not even realize we are standing alone. Paul said, ". . . no one stood with me, but all forsook me . . . . But the Lord stood with me and strengthened me . . ." (2 Timothy 4:16-17 ). We must build our faith not on fading lights but on the Light that never fails."

How often have we attached ourselves to people who were stronger than we were only to see them fade away? Or maybe you have trusted in someones insights, wisdom, and zeal and then they suddenly fall away. Regardless of who is was or what the circumstances may have been - there is a Light that Never Fails!

We must be careful to follow closely to the true Light in our lives - Jesus Christ. People will disappoint, discourage, and demean us. However, Jesus will never leave or forsake you. He's in this for the long haul.

The picture of the lighthouse is so fitting when we think of the light of Christ in our lives. A lighthouse is to be a beacon of safety, warning, and guidance. In the bright light of the day we may not see it's light but we know that it is there. And in the darkest of night we will see its light shining. Jesus is our light in the darkness. He is our comfort and guide in the storms of life. He is our lighthouse of safety. You can always trust in Him.

The great thing about trusting in the true Light of Jesus is that He has placed this light within us. The Holy Spirit of God illuminates God's Word so that we may have instruction and understand truth. He warns of the impending dangers that we face. He guides us to the places of safety. And He is a light that will never burn out.

Sure there are times we may have difficulty in seeing the light. However, whenever we are determined to find His light it will be found. Be careful that you don't cover the inward light of His guidance. Be sure that you never replace the light with a cheaper version (people, self confidence, intuition). Always trust in the light that He gives.

Remember that you can always trust His light because you can trust the Source!

In the darkness of night - He shines.
In the raging of storms - He guides.
Whatever my lot
Whatever my fear
Jesus is always near!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

7 Characteristics of Evangelistic Christians

Thom Rainer (Lifeway) has done extensive research into evangelistic churches. What he has discovered shouldn't shock us. The most evangelistic churches are filled with evangelistic Christians. In other words: The reason these churches are seeing people saved is because the members are doing the work of evangelism!

Here is what Rainer has written in regards to Evangelistic Christians:

#1 - They are People of Prayer

People who possess a heart to evangelize the lost understand that it is God who convicts and converts. They also share with a total dependence upon Him in prayer.

#2 - They Have a Theology that Compels Them to Evangelize

The most basic way I can express this is that they have translated their beliefs into action!

#3 - They are People Who Spend Time in the Word

Those who have a heart to share Jesus also have a heart to spend time with Him. Daily Bible reading is a must in their lives.

#4 - They are Compassionate

Evangelistic hearts are broken for the lost.

#5 - They Love the Communities where God has Placed Them

This is a genuine love for the neighbors in our sub-divisions, on our streets, in our neighborhood, or in our apartment complex.

#6 - They are Intentional about Evangelism

Evangelistic Christians seek to share the Gospel. It's not by accident!

#7 - They are Accountable to Someone

Evangelistic Christians let others in on what they are doing. They ask others to keep them accountable.

*May God raise up believers with an evangelistic heart in all our churches. If we are going to see a harvest of souls then we must begin sowing the seed of the Gospel.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

The Call to Obedience

"For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so also by one Man's obedience many will be made righteous." Romans 5:19

The fall of Adam in the Garden condemned all mankind. The obedience and sacrifice of Christ has redeemed us all. If we will come to Jesus by faith, accept Him as Lord and Savior, we are made righteous. Adam's disobedience introduced death - Jesus' obedience restored life! When we join God in what He is already doing in the world, we are walking in the calling to obedience. What can God accomplish through one man's obedience?

The picture above (Mission Street) is a street sign in Kotzebue, Alaska. My latest journey in obedience led me to once again walk the streets of this city with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

The call to Arctic Missions isn't easy. Our team faced extremely cold weather for most of the week, cutting winds, and a people group that is indifferent to the Gospel message. I pray that one day we will be able to visit Kotzebue and see a great harvest, however, for now we will be obedient to continue to sow the seed of the Good News.

Three young people came to faith in Jesus as we conducted a basketball clinic. God has given us favor with the children and teenagers in the city. Our hope is that we will see God move upon this generation of Eskimos and change their culture for the glory of God. I was also excited to watch our team of 6 continue to face the elements of weather and the hardness of hearts with the warmth of God's love for this people group. The mission consisted of trying to gather fish for the elders, feeding the community, giving away ice fishing sticks and buckets as an opportunity to share the Gospel, distributing GPS (God's Plan for Sharing) bags in the community that direct these people to a message and place of hope, basketball clinic, and one on one sharing. Our success isn't measured by how many we reached - salvation is the work of God - our success was in the obedience!

God's blessings for our obedience was seen this past Sunday. As we returned to be with our PBC family, God moved upon the hearts of the people and 3 people accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior! We cannot miss what God is doing. As we moved in obedience to be on mission with God in Alaska, He blessed us at home. Through the obedience of 6 people to be "in the field", God brought 6 people to salvation.

Please continue to pray for the Alaskan people. Pray for the church of Alaska along with the men and women who serve in this great state. Their calling isn't easy but God is blessing. Also pray for our team of youth and parents that are preparing to go to Alaska this summer. May their message and ministry be received by the people there.

To God be the glory - great things He has done!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

The New Creation

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a NEW CREATION; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new." 2 Corinthians 5:17

This will be my last blog entry for a few days so I want to make it count!

I have been thinking about the reality of 2 Corinthians 5:17 for a few days now and there are some things that I want to point out.

I don't think Scripture can be any more clear than this. When we accept Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, there is a transformation that occurs. Salvation makes us a new creation. This transformation is more than just a reformation! God doesn't want to reform you - if all you needed was reforming then Jesus could have established a recovery program rather than dying on a cross. A sinner reformed is nothing more than a reformed sinner. God's design is to remove your sin and bring about a transformation.

This is HUGE! Do you understand that God has the ability to strip away all the chains of the past life? Where is this in the church today? A drunkard can be delivered from alcohol! An addict can be delivered from drugs! Whatever the situation may be from the old life - God takes it away. It doesn't mean that those old things won't come knocking at your door. But now you have the ability to say "NO!" Not only can you say "NO" but you are no longer that person. You are NEW in CHRIST.

This new life should be filled with new affections, new goals, new ambitions, and new direction. People should be able to look at your life and say, "There's something new about him/her." When I come to faith in Jesus, I repent of my old lifestyle. Repentance is a 180 degree turn. I once walked in my sin - now I walk in righteousness. Not only that, but repentance is a changing of the mind. I no longer think that doing the things I used to do are the way to bring pleasure into my life. I have found a new way to fulfill the longing of my heart and it is in Jesus Christ!

I have said this before: What is missing in most of our churches is SPIRITUAL REALITY! We can't convince people to come to faith in Christ because what they see doesn't match what they are told. The church (Body & Bride of Christ) should be different from the world. Our lives should be separated from the things of the world. But as long as we continue to treat marriage vows with contempt, sin as shortcomings rather than transgression, and love as something to be given only when it is received then we will never convince the world that Jesus is the ANSWER.

Oh, that God would change our hearts again. May He cause a Spiritual Awakening to come upon the church like never before. There is a need in the world today for believers to live like believers. The world needs to see the New Creation in US! Ask yourself: "What needs to change?" "What is in my life that keeps people from seeing Jesus in me?" Take those things before God and watch Him transform you.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

As The World Turns

Earthquakes, Volcano Rumblings/Eruptions, Flooding, Tornadoes, Etc. These are all signs of the time in which we live. In the face of such uncertainty one thing is for sure: the earth is only doing what Scripture says she will do - "groans and labors with birth pangs..." (Romans 8:22). I don't believe in "Global Warming" because it is a MYTH but I do believe in "Global Groaning" because it is a fact stated in God's Word.

"For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God. For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it in hope; because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. For we know that the whole creation groans and labors with birth pangs together until now. Not only that, but we also who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, eagerly waiting for the adoption, the redemption of our body." Romans 8:19-23

What a thought! Creation waits for the revealing of the sons of God.

It's hard to put this into words. Can you imagine that every time the Gospel is shared that the earth bends her ears to hear the results? Or can you imagine that the earth groans even louder in those places where the Gospel has not invaded?

From the fall of man until now the earth has been under subjection to the same corruption that we face. The earth is slowly dying - just as you and I - until the day she can be delivered and set free.

What are we waiting for? Let's join God in the mission of seeing the sons/daughters of God revealed in the earth. Now is not the time to wait. There is no better opportunity than now for us to be involved in the work of the Gospel.

I started thinking about this yesterday evening. As final preparations are made for PBC's 1st mission trip of the year (Alaska), I found out that Mount Redoubt has been rumbling. Immediately this portion of Scripture came to mind. Oh, how Mount Redoubt awaits the revealing of the sons of God in Alaska.

Please pray for the team that heads out on Friday. Pray for their usefulness in the Kingdom. Pray that God will begin to prepare the hearts of the Native Alaskans. Pray for a harvest. There is a lot of work to be done, however, God is already at work. This Arctic Mission Team will simply be joining God in what He is already doing in the state.

And while you are praying for this team and their work. Pray that God will begin to move in your own heart. This portion of Romans also speaks about the groaning within ourselves. The Spirit of God should be moving us to compassion and intercession for the lost around us! Do you groan for those in your life who do not know Jesus?

May each of us join in the resounding song "Jesus SAVES! Jesus SAVES!"

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Common Struggle

"Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, who, being in the form of God, did not consider it robbery to be equal with God, but made Himself of no reputation, taking the form of a bond-servant, and coming in the likeness of men." Philippians 2:5-7

One of the greatest misunderstanding we have of Jesus is thinking that all the great things He did while in the earth was done because He was God in the flesh. As long as we keep His humanity at a distance we will never unlock our own potential in the kingdom of God.

Jesus told His disciples that they would do "greater things" than what He did while on the earth. He assured them time and again that they could operate in God's power and gave them authority over sickness, and demons. As long as they walked in faith and in what Jesus proclaimed them to be - nothing could stand in their way.

Don't you find it interesting that after Jesus was baptized and the Holy Spirit descended upon Him that He went into the wilderness to be tempted? This was a necessary part of His obedience to the Father so that He could become the High Priest that we needed. Hebrews 4:15, "For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin." Jesus showed that through the power of the Holy Spirit (becoming completely reliant upon His work in life) we can overcome any temptation the enemy throws our way. It doesn't matter what the temptation is or what form it comes in: lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, or the pride of life; each of them can be overcome if we will submit to the perfecting work of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

I know that Jesus was God in the flesh. However, He chose to operate as a man. His body grew weak, He was hungry and thirsty, He felt pain, and He knew sorrow. And even though He could say "I and my Father are one" - He chose to operate as a servant of God through the power of God flowing in His life.

Please don't miss this! Jesus chose the title "Son of Man" so often. He didn't run around saying that He was the Son of God. He could have! He also could have called down legions of angels to deliver Him from the agony of the cross. He could have stopped Pilate in his tracks. There's so much He could have done but chose to operate on the basis of faith, submission, obedience, and dependency upon His Father.

Should we be any different?

Trust me when I say that our common enemy doesn't want us to operate in this knowledge. One of the greatest temptations that we face is living a life that is far below what God has intended. If the enemy can get us to think that we are less than what Jesus says we are then he will keep our possibilities limited. But if we can learn to operate in life the way Jesus did - trusting that what He spoke over His followers is true for us as well - then our possibilities are limitless!

I can see the church beginning to think this way again. I'm excited about the opportunities that are happening right now in kingdom minded believers. There has been a lack of spiritual reality in the church for far too long. We have turned our members over to the mercy of surgeons, their spiritual growth to the ability of programs, and their faith experience over to our convenient planning. May God forgive us for limiting Him in the lives of others.

Almighty God,
I thank You that Your Word is truth. What You spoke to us through Your Son is true in our lives. It's the knowledge of this truth that sets us free to live for You.
I pray that You will continue to unleash Your power in our lives. May the children of God begin to live in the authority that You have given to them. May we see the Holy Spirit as more than just a seal over us but as the life source within us.
I pray that Your followers will begin to operate as the early church. May we never leave opportunities untouched. May we walk in the faith that You have granted. And may we see the Kingdom of God advanced in our generation.
Until Your Coming - In Jesus' Name,

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Resurrection Sunday!

He's Alive!

May the resurrection of Jesus become a reality in your life today.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Standing at the Cross

I pray that the story of the Cross never gets old. You may think that sounds ridiculous but I'm serious. It's far too easy for things to become familiar even when we speak of the foundation of our faith in Christ.

Paul said, "But God forbid that I should boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world." Galatians 6:14

When was the last time you looked upon the Cross? Have you ever put yourself there by faith and stood in awe of the love of God? How could we boast in anything but the Cross? It was on that dark day at Calvary that the payment for my sin was made. It was there at Golgotha where God demonstrated His love for me. It was there that the Savior of the world poured out His blood so that I could go free!

As we reflect upon the death of Jesus today, I want to share with you some of the old hymnals of the faith. Look upon the words and make them your own. May God cause us to blush at the shame, scorn at the humiliation, weep at the anguish, and rejoice over our salvation.

And as you look upon the Cross I want you to remember: "Sunday's Comin'!"

At the Cross
"Thus might I hide my blushing face
While Calv'ry's cross appears
Dissolve my heart in thankfulness
And melt mine eyes to tears"

At Calvary
"Oh, the love that drew salvation's plan!
Oh, the grace that bro't it down to man!
Oh, the mighty gulf that God did span
At Calvary"

The Old Rugged Cross
"In the old rugged cross
Stained with blood so divine
Such a wonderful beauty I see;
For 'twas on that old cross
Jesus suffered and died
To pardon and sanctify me."

All that Jesus did on the cross bought salvation for you and me. If it were not for His blood being shed we would never be set free. Praise His glorious name!

As I close out today's blog I want to share with you the words of Charles Wesley as he thought about what Jesus' sacrifice meant in his life.

And Can It Be
"Long my imprisoned spirit lay
Fast bound in sin and nature's night;
Thine eye diffused a quick'ning ray
I woke, the dungeon flamed with light;
My chains fell off, my heart was free
I rose, went forth and followed Thee.

Amazing Love!
How can it be
That thou, My God, should die for me!"

Thursday, April 1, 2010

April Fools

Psalm 14:1, "The FOOL has said in his heart, 'There is no God.'..."

I can enjoy April Fools Day like many of you. I woke the kids up this morning telling them to look at the snow outside. I troubled my wife with the thoughts of mouse droppings in our bathroom. Most of us enjoy practical jokes. However, the thought that there is no God is no joking matter.

"For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse," Romans 1:20

Ray Comfort has given one of the greatest arguments concerning the existence of a Creator by simply saying, "The greatest evidence of a Creator is to look at creation. You cannot have a creation without a Creator just like you cannot have a painting without a painter, or a building without a builder." Scripture teaches us that creation itself speaks of the existence of God. When we step outside of our homes we have all the evidence that we need to understand that there is a God.

I don't open the door to my home and say, "Boy, I sure am glad that there was a big bang and my home started existing." No...I know that there was a builder and I am thankful for his workmanship. My house didn't evolve from an ant hill nor did my car evolve from a matchbox toy. Each of these possessions were the product of intelligent design. The same is true concerning each of us and the world in which we live.

As for those who go around thinking that they are too intelligent to believe in God. The joke is on them. Regardless of whether or not we believe in God, each of us will face Him on Judgment Day! He knows every sin that we have ever committed. He views hatred the same as murder and lust as adultery. God is not only the Creator of the World but is the one true Judge over our lives. All of us have sinned against Him regardless of our personal beliefs. How can we ever expect to be acquitted of our guilt? Only through the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ!

This is the Good News that the Gospel message proclaims. Jesus died on the cross according to Scripture. He was buried according to Scripture. And on the third day He rose again according to Scripture. We may try to walk in a God-less existence, however, God has done everything that needs to be done so that we can be forgiven. The moment we turn to Him in faith - that is the moment we are saved.

The fact of the matter is that it takes more faith to believe that there isn't a God. If atheists and agnostics alike will take that faith and turn to a loving God they can be saved. It's simply a matter of repentance. If they will "change their way of thinking" and "turn from their wicked ways", God is all too ready to receive them.

Interesting that April Fools Day falls on the same week that we celebrate the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus this year. Jesus' ministry, life, and death is one of the most well recorded events in human history. Our calendar even marks the time before He arrived and after His coming. There is an empty tomb in Jerusalem where He was laid. The EVIDENCE is there! All you have to do is believe and receive.

For anyone out there who thinks that I am boasting of my intelligence - I am not. What I have received from God cannot be understood through man's wisdom. The Bible clearly teaches that the natural man doesn't receive the things of God. All I can offer you is the same thing that I received by faith: Eternal Life. "But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become Children of God, to those who believe in His name: who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God." John 1:12-13