Fox News is reporting that the Queen of England has given the title of honorary knight to Edward (Ted) Kennedy for his work in health care reform and Ireland. This simply drives me nuts!
What happened to honor, chivalry, bravery, sacrifice? I thought these were the ideal of knights. These are things that we tried to emulate as children. However, in today's England being a knight doesn't mean as much. This queen has knighted Elton John, Sean Connery, Paul McCartney as well as Americans Bill Gates, and Steven Spielberg. The only difference is that honorary knighthood for an American means that they cannot be referred to as "Sir".
Has everyone forgot what happened on July 18, 1969 in Chappaquiddick? A drunken Ted Kennedy leaving the scene of an accident and allowing a young Mary Jo Kopechne to drown in just a few inches of water? A crime for which he should have done serious jail time but did not. Charged with leaving the scene of an accident he didn't even serve the short prison term. No manslaughter, no drunken driving, nothing. He was too busy walking up and down the road trying to salvage his political career to even care that a young woman was drowning in his car! A knight? Please...
Such are the standards of our world I guess. It's truly sad. I understand that Ted Kennedy comes from the most powerful family in politics. I know that his last name means a lot. However, back in the day, he considered his misfortune as a part of the family curse. Don't you find it interesting that in the family curse a Kennedy dies but with Ted someone else dies? This man is no knight...but I guess when you consider everyone else who has been knighted by the Queen...
Oh well, that's my rant for the week.
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