As I mentioned yesterday, what we have seen God accomplish has been amazing. Who would have thought that a church with 100+ members would be able to go on 4 mission trips last year, feed over 1,000 people in a community event, or see almost 200 people in attendance? It blows my mind. I remember when there was only 60 in worship and we were trying to figure things out!
I told you that a few years ago we took our 1st trip to Ukraine. Now...we did it a little different (go figure) than a lot of churches. There wasn't an organization that we went with. We were able to work with an individual who had been planning trips for a while and learned a great deal about missions work. Looking back on that experience is what I believe opened us up for greater opportunities. The 2nd year in Ukraine I had to do a lot of the organizing, calling, etc. We still worked with the same individual but because of health concerns in his family he wasn't able to put as much time into the project. It was a crash course in missions that let me know quickly how much time goes into these plans.
During the close of 2007 God began to put into my heart the need for a Missions Pastor. I wasn't really sure why...I mean we only took 1 trip a year. It didn't matter. God had spoken and I started sharing with church leadership what He was saying. There was one individual that God tagged for this role. It was Ron Gibson. Ron was already serving as a part-time (is there such a thing) Worship Leader. He had been on both trips already and was an intricate part of everything we did. Ron also possessed great administrative skills that he learned through his secular job. He was organized, trustworthy, reliable, and had a heart for missions. So, during the 1st business meeting of the year - with a budget already set - we proposed an amendment to the budget to include another part-time salary for a missions pastor. Ron was presented to the church and it was passed unanimously. Oh, it wasn't without some questioning. We really didn't have a protocol in place for this type of move but I was confident that God had led us in this endeavor.
It's 2008 and Pioneer now has on staff a full-time Pastor and a bi-vocational (though Ron hasn't had to seek supplemental income) Pastor who serves in the area of missions and worship. Just a few weeks into this new role and mission opportunities started falling in place. The trip to New Hampshire that I mentioned yesterday; it came about (I believe) only because we had Ron in place. Planning for Alaska was easier for me because Ron was able to focus on Ukraine as he would prepare to lead his very 1st team without me. That was huge because we had always worked together. Of course he did a fine job and the team was able to see a great number of people accept Christ. Then to top it all off our church received an offer to go to South Africa! We accepted and Ron led another team on a pioneering adventure. Isn't God amazing?
As I share all of this with you, Ron and I received some support money for Ukraine from friends of PBC. Clay and Laura were strong members of this body before moving back home. He served as the overseer for our building project, a deacon, and even after moving went with us on the NH trip. Laura sang in the choir (back in the day), played trumpet on occasion, was faithful in prayer meetings, and also served as Treasurer. Here is Clay had to say in his letter: "I am very proud to know what God is doing through Pioneer Baptist Church. It is amazing to think where we were and where you are now. Pioneer Baptist Church body is a perfect example of what he will do when the people listen and are obedient to His Word."
What God has done at Pioneer shouldn't amaze us really. It's what He promised would be done in the life of a church that seeks to honor Him. Going with God is never without a struggle though. We are human beings trying to serve a holy God. Not only that but you have to factor in the fight with the enemy. But God is faithful! He will finish what He starts.
I hope that this little bit of info about our church is encouraging to you. It's not meant to draw attention to us. It's really an effort to chronicle some of the things that we have witnessed God do in our midst. For those of us who love Pioneer and her people we understand and say: To GOD be the glory, great things He has done.
*Just one note: If you are going to hire a Worship Leader or Missions Pastor - make sure that you can put him in an airplane spin if needed. It helps keep him in check! LOL
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