Let's talk church shall we?
Pioneer Baptist began as a small Bible Study in Max Meadows VA during the summer of 1990 organized under the direction of Wytheville Baptist Church, Highlands Baptist Association, and VA Baptist. The first worship service was held in the Max Meadows Head Start building on October 14 of that same year. As Pioneer was seeking God's will for the new church plant it wasn't until November of 1991 that they called their first pastor - Allen Mahan.
Under Mahan's leadership the church body would grow and eventually construct a building to house the young congregation. It was on December 4, 1994 that they were able to move from the Head Start building into their very own sanctuary (which we now use as a fellowship hall). On October 1, 1995 the church became "official" as they adopted a constitution and took on the name of Pioneer Baptist Church.
Max Meadows new church had "arrived." Mahan would pastor the congregation for a few more years until God moved he and his family on to a new work. It was October of 1998 that PBC called their 2nd pastor - Larry Eakes. It has been a little over 8 years since that 1st Bible Study and the church would experience some growth but also endure some difficult trials. Eakes left the church after a couple of years of pastoring and according to some reports the church rallied around some of the more influential leaders to keep things going.
In January of 2001 PBC called me as their pastor. I was grateful for this opportunity. After spending the last few years in youth ministry, God had impressed it upon my heart to begin looking into pastoring again. After 5 years of marriage and 2 children in the home it was our desire to find the church God has set aside for us and look for an opportunity to minister. We had found that place and God allowed us to be in that work.
Over the first 4 years we saw this congregation go through a lot of changes. It was my thinking that this church body should reflect who they were rather than simply following the pattern of other churches. God blessed and we were able to see many people saved and baptized, the church body began to grow, and God started putting things into action.
In January of 2005 I was able to move into full-time ministry and we began construction on the new facility that opened for worship on Resurrection Sunday of 2006 with 179 people in attendance. 2006 would prove to be an interesting year for our congregation as we started doing missions rather than just giving to missions. This one trip would catapult us to a place we never envisioned. 2007 we went back to Ukraine with the understanding the God had placed within us the Acts 1:8 strategy of being His witnesses in our hometown, state, nation, and the rest of the world. Last year we sent out 4 mission teams: New Hampshire, Alaska, Ukraine, and South Africa. 20 new faces along with some others who had been on missions before hit the field with great excitement and anticipation. God was calling out laborers into the field and this little church in Southwest VA was a part of His work.
However, it's not simply missions that has set this church body apart. There are several things about PBC that make us unique:
#1 - Worship
PBC has sought to be unique in our worship "style." We don't consider ourselves "contemporary" or "traditional." What you see is what you get. We are a blend of people who enjoy what God has done through worship in the past and yet seek to join God in what He is doing now. Moving from strictly piano to a live band aided us in the attempt to take on this new style. This new format changed the way we worship considerably. However, it wasn't simply the change in music. Our worship services became a time of engaging with God. It's joyful, celebratory, intimate, moving, and full of praise. As a pastor I simply long to worship God with these people.
#2 - Fellowship
Pioneer has sought to be a place "Where Relationships Matter." What we have tried to develop in every member is the understanding that relationship with God is our ultimate priority and allow that relationship to filter into our relationships with others. We have taken on the simple church mentality of "Loving God, Loving Others, Serving Both." The love and unity of this congregation has astounded me. I often tell them that "...people do not come to Pioneer because of the pastor. They come because of you. It's with you that they sense genuine love, warmth, and acceptance."
#3 - Evangelism
One of the most interesting aspects of this congregation is that we do not have in place a particular tool for evangelism. We have trained individuals with all types of "methods" but also preached on the necessity of them carrying the Gospel into their workplaces, schools, and communities. The response has been nothing short of miraculous. So many here are burdened for their lost family members/friends and actually look for opportunities to share Christ with them. We carry the Gospel message into the community through various methods as well as missions all over the globe. God has given the increase!
#4 - Ministry
Most of the ministry done through this church is led by individual members. They aren't paid staff. In fact there are only 2 of us currently on the payroll. We are looking to add a 3rd member as the need for youth has grown with the influx of families coming into the church. But by in large our ministries are member led. Kidz Zone, Women's Ministry, Men's Ministry w/ an upcoming Sportsmen Ministry, Pioneer Kids on Wednesday nights, GA's & RA's on Sunday night, Food Pantry - these are all led by individual members. It's our philosophy that members are the ministers which gives us pastors the opportunity to feed and lead.
#5 - Discipleship
This is our opportunity to educate God's people in His Word. This is done through Sunday School, Small Groups, and Prayer. We are a little different than most churches in this regard since we only have 1 preaching service during the week. Sunday nights we meet in small groups to teach on marriage, lifestyles, doctrine, etc. We have also led teachings on Financial Peace and Recovery. Through these groups our church has seen tremendous spiritual and numerical growth. In fact, the last Experiencing God class saw 7 of its 10 members go into the mission field this past year!
Why am I sharing all of this? Simply put, I am the fortunate pastor of a growing congregation. I have witnessed God doing amazing things. I don't attribute any of it to me. To be honest with you, it wasn't until I got out of the way that God began to do all of this. If you are looking for a church that isn't at all interested in playing church - this is your congregation. If you are tired of dry and passionless church - this is your place. If you are seeking opportunity to follow God's leadership for your life - we want to help in that process.
Thanks for allowing me to share a little info about our church. If you are interested in joining us we meet on Sunday mornings for Sunday School at 9:30am, Worship/Celebration at 10:30am. Small Groups are on Sunday night at 6:30pm and Prayer Meeting on Wednesday night at 7:00pm. We look forward to seeing you!