Today is the day! Time to save money on anything with 2008 printed on it. Lord willing, tonight we will usher in the New Year.
To say that 2008 was an interesting year would be an understatement. A lot has happened in our world. Our nation saw a major shift in politics, economics, and morality. Who knows what our future holds, but one thing is for sure...God is in control!
There is a statement I think of often at this time of year and it comes from the movie Forrest Gump. I don't know how many of you remember Forrest & Lieutenant Dan celebrating New Year's Eve at the local bar, but after the countdown the lady next to Gump says she just loves New Years because "everyone gets a second chance."
A second chance at what? To get it right? To make their mark? To truly change? What is it that this young lady looks forward too...or better yet, what does she regret? The point here is simple: for many people, New Years is an opportunity for redemption (at least in their own mind). They think that by changing some type of behavior or removing a particular habit from their lives - all will be well.
Good idea...Wrong methodology.
The fact of the matter is that we can try and improve ourselves but we will never experience genuine change unless something happens on the inside. That's right...we must change from the inside out. How many people try to clean up their mouths by making a resolution to not cuss but don't realize that "out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks"? How many people try to improve their own self worth by making a resolution to lose weight without an understanding that "we are fearfully an wonderfully made."
I know that change is good...maybe not the Obama change...but change in general can accomplish quite a lot. None of us will ever better ourselves or those around us unless we first recognize that something has to take place. The problem here is that we are focused on the wrong "something". We must 1st take care of our heart problem before we can ever influence the other problems in our lives.
The Bible teaches us that "All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God" and that "our sins have cut us off from God." We can never better ourselves with God because we continually fall short. Only when you and I recognize our inability along with His capability will we ever experience true and genuine life change. Only as we turn from our self ruled lives and turn to His grace will we ever experience redemption. Redemption isn't about saving face as the young lady in Forrest Gump believes. No...true redemption is about saving the soul. It is God buying back His creation through the sacrifice of Jesus.
We must understand that through salvation something amazing happens. Not only are we forgiven of sin but the Bible teaches that God's Spirit then begins to reside in us. The Holy Spirit is able to lead, guide, teach, and correct. He is able to help stay on the straight and narrow path we want our lives to proceed down. He keeps us focused not just on the good things but the best things. Without the work of the Holy Spirit 2009 will look just like 2008. Yes, we can expect to continue to fall under the same stresses, give in to the same temptations, and continue in bondage to the same addictions.
If you are looking for a real "New Year" then you must end this one the right way. Give your life to Christ...every area...and watch Him do what you have been unable to do for years. He will grant you forgiveness, He will give you the ability to forgive others, He will bring you peace, He will give you security, and He will change your life. That's a promise.
Our hope in the New Year is the same as it was 2000 years ago. Our hope is in Jesus Christ. In the words of the Apostle Peter I close: "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His abundant mercy has begotten us again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead," 1 Peter 1:3
May God grant you a prosperous and peaceful New Year.