With all of the differences of opinion concerning many of the church dogmas and doctrines, one would think that we could come to an agreement about the goodness of God toward His creation. There is so much Good News in all of Scripture. However, time after time I hear people talk about our Heavenly Father in such a way as to mar His image. To create a caricature of God that is not in line with the ancient texts nor the revelation provided for us in Jesus Christ. I was thinking of such a text this morning. Amazed at how we continue in our own line of thinking rather than all the Holy Spirit to shape our view.
Personally I believe that we have done much disservice to the verse that I'm about to share. Most people only quote half of it. Neglecting the context in which it is written. Missing out on the incredible wealth of encouragement that it possesses. 9 times out of 10 you will hear someone say that "God is not willing that any should perish, but that all come to repentance." Which is not bad in and of itself. However, to neglect the context is to dismiss the incredible encouragement it should give to each and every person. Not just the one we are hoping repents. What about those who are waiting for His Kingdom to come in fullness? This verse contains so much for each of us. I hope that what I share today will build you up in the understanding of God's faithfulness. May we appreciate 2 Peter 3:9 for all its worth.
Peter is writing to a group of discouraged Christians. They are waiting. In fact, they have been waiting for some time for the Lord to fulfill His promise. They have believed in the prophecy of Jesus concerning the destruction of Jerusalem. They have remained faithful. But the longer they wait, the more discouraged they have become. Questions have begun to be circulated among the brethren. Are these things going to come to pass? When will they see the salvation of the Lord? The exile they feel is overwhelming. The persecution is too great. When will these things come to pass?
Peter opens up this whole section reminding them of the words of the prophets and the commands of Jesus. He's reminding them of God's faithfulness to His Word. He's also calling attention to an aspect of the nature of God that we often forget. God isn't slow concerning His promises as some people think. What they are witnessing is the patience of their Heavenly Father.
In the very next breath, Peter explains what they are witnessing from the nature of God. He isn't slow concerning His promises. What they are experiencing is the patience of God. Hear these words: "He's not willing that any should perish..." In the original language it is absolutely telling. God does not deliberately will our perishing. He does not have a reason to purpose it. He does not desire it. In fact, the "slowness" that they people were seeing was an extension of His mercy. God knows that when this thing comes down that a whole lot of people are going to get wrapped up in it. He does not want any of them destroyed. Period. This is exactly what Peter is trying to tell the church.
Think about it. If you knew that a Tsunami was going to hit your hometown, how much time would you give to each and every person to get out? Would you not save as many as possible? This is what Peter is expressing concerning the nature of God. What you see as slowness or slackness about the nature of God, so many others will see as their salvation. God does not want them to be destroyed.
I love this transition. God is not willing that any should perish. What He is willing to do is give each and every one of them space to repent. This is how we have to see this verse according to the original language. God has made space. This is His patience towards an unbelieving world. Always has been. To be sure, He recognizes the suffering of His children. He knows the difficulties that they are having to endure. But He has a heart for those who are still on the outside. Those who are still stuck in the Old Covenant religion. He longs for them. He waits for them. His Spirit is still at work. His Apostles are still preaching the Good News. The warning of the signs of the times continue to go out. He doesn't want them to perish but to change their mind concerning Him and His Son Jesus Christ.
God IS NOT working towards the destruction of the Jewish people. He is not desiring that everyone get caught up in the devastation that is going to come. He is working towards their salvation. You can go back and read Matthew 24 and hear Him in His own words to that generation. He told them what was going to take place. He gave them instructions about what to do and where to go. So great is His faithfulness. So wonderful is His mercy. So amazing is His grace. So tender is His compassion. It's absolutely mind boggling.
Much of what we see in the world today is the same patience of our Heavenly Father. While most people are sitting around waiting on God to get fed up enough with this world to consume it or watch it be consumed, He is still at work in the hearts of men. The Good News of the Gospel continues to go out. His Spirit is still moving in our lives. The Kingdom is coming and it is coming through us. We look forward to the day that we see its culmination in Jesus. Until then...God is not slow concerning His promises. He is simply patient with those who have yet to come to the amazing truth of life in Jesus.
All we can do is continue in what we know. Share His love. Seek His Kingdom. Love one another. And Trust in His Word. His is faithful. To each and every one of us. One day we will see the answer to the Lord's prayer. One day it will be on Earth as it is in Heaven. May we strive to this end. In the words of the Apostle Paul to Timothy his son in the faith: "First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires ALL PEOPLE to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth." ~ 1 Timothy 2:1-4
And all of God's people said...AMEN!
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