There is so much that I want to share with you. So much that you really need to know. Let me start off by saying I truly do love you. Who you are, and what you represent is so precious. The people that make up your body are wonderful. I can recall countless times that I experienced the Lord so fully through each of them. You need to know that my heart is not jaded towards you. That I honestly want what is best for you. That I care deeply about your future.
I see you struggling. Filled with fear because so many see you as irrelevant. Wondering how in the world you can make a difference. This fear has caused so many within you to lash out. I hear the cries of judgement and condemnation. I have witnessed their posturing and isolation. I know that they only want what is best as well, but they don't see how much distance they continue to create. It breaks my heart.
Those people...out there in the world...they are your mission. I know that their lifestyles don't often line up with what you believe is true. I know that many of them make destructive choices, and that you feel that so many of them is what's wrong with the world. But that doesn't change who they are. They still bear the image and likeness of our Creator. They still hope for a better way of life. So many of them are hurt, abused, confused, and disoriented. Some of them used to be a part of your congregations, but for whatever reason they chose to walk away. Others have wanted nothing to do with you at all. I realize that is painful, but there is a better way to get their attention.
Some of you on the inside are struggling with one another as well. Your presence is seen through social media, blogs, videos, articles, and some of you are even on TV. You have allowed styles, structures, and even doctrines to create schisms among you. You demonize people with various opinions, criticize the different communities within Christianity, and seek to discredit every alternate voice. The sad part is that you use the Bible as a weapon against your own. Seeking to justify yourself and your stances. That was never the intent of the Scriptures.
With all of that being said, there is so much good in you. There is healing within you that cannot be found anywhere else in the world. People can come to you for a fresh start in life. They can discover peace, love, forgiveness, and joy among you. They can know their Creator because of you, and all that He has done to save this world. The question is: How can we make that reality?
I don't pretend to have all of the answers. What I can offer you is an honest and well thought out opinion. I can share with you what I see in Scripture. And I can be a part of the solution, rather than be a part of the problem. You see, the temptation is always to walk contrary to your design. Things like bitterness, unforgiveness, hate, selfishness, fear, and the like, are not a part of the original you. You were always meant to walk in things like forgiveness, reconciliation, love, selflessness, and confidence just to name a few. The world was never meant to set your agenda, and you were never meant to mirror their actions. Here's a good rule of thumb: If you don't see it alive and active in Jesus, then you can be sure that it was never meant to be alive and active in you. There is more to you than people know.
I realize that this may take some time. I know how easy it is to be critical of the world. I know that we can allow ourselves to get puffed up with pride because we think we have it all together. But the reality is...we don't have it all together. We are still learning. We are still growing. We still find ourselves in need of grace and mercy. We are still learning what it means to be sons of God. A little honesty in this area can be very refreshing. How about this? How about we keep it simple? Let's determine to love God, to love our neighbor, and allow Him to fill out the rest. That sounds too simple I'm sure. However, I just came across this verse again this morning and it has filled me with incredible hope. I really do believe that your future...OUR FUTURE...depends upon these words:
"Above all, clothe yourselves with LOVE, which binds us together in perfect harmony." Colossians 3:14
This was never meant to be difficult. At least, not in the sense that we have made it difficult. Rather than handing the world our judgments and criticisms. Rather than creating division and strife among our members. Rather than seeming irrelevant in the world. Lets learn how to love, and love well. Lets give ourselves to this endeavor. I do believe the world will take notice.
I realize that there is much more that could be said. I know that this is just a small tip of the iceberg. But I really do believe that "love covers a multitude of sins." What have we got to lose? Are you with me?
In love,
A member of your body
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