Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Try A Different Approach...

One of my favorite Proverbs sums up the typical approach to life: "There is a way that seems right to a man, but its end is the way to death." [Proverbs 16:25 ESV]

I don't know how many of you have played the Angry Birds game but the concept is simple. You take various types of birds (each with their own unique function), shoot them out of a slingshot, and destroy blocks and pigs in a particular setting. Kids and adults alike love this game. For those who are a little bit more competitive, each level has up to a three star completion. You can win the level by gaining one star but to master the level you need three. It's up to you to find the right approach.

How many times have we approached life and relationships like an Angry Birds game? We do the same thing over and over again thinking we will get a different result? Most of the time we just end up beating our heads against a wall, a rock, or some other object thinking we are doing it right. The reality of it is that if we would take a different approach, we could learn how to master every area of life.

If what seems like the right approach isn't producing life in a situation, it may be a good indicator that we need to take a different route. This old saying regarding insanity often rings true: "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result." I'm just always amazed at the amount of people who do the same thing over and over again expecting just that. Maybe it's time that we acknowledge that Proverbs 16:25 is very much true to our lives.

Not only is it insane to think I can get something different from the same approach. It's exhausting. There's a lot of exhausted people in this world. They grow tired in relationships, tired in their faith, and in whatever other endeavor they have because it just doesn't seem to work. I've been down that road myself. And the only way to get out of that type of rut is to consider that there has to be a better way. The good news: THERE IS A BETTER WAY!!!

God's Word has plenty to say in regards to relationships. It has plenty to say about how we lead our lives. The only way that we will see the effectiveness of the Word in our lives is when we choose to agree with it.'s true that a "soft answer turns away wrath."'s true that "love covers a multitude of sins." Regardless of the situation and regardless of my emotions, I find that God's Word will always ring true in my life when I am willing to agree with it. The point in all of this is that we have a choice. I can choose to love, choose to control myself, choose to forgive, and choose to submit to the nature of Christ within me. Each of these approaches will produce life. It's when I choose to walk in anger, bitterness, and a lack of control that I produce death instead.

Folks, if covering up an issue doesn't work then stop doing it.
If leaving things unresolved means that I'm going to have to face it again then stop doing it.
If being angry, shouting, or trying to get my way doesn't produce life then I need to stop.
It's at this point we have to learn how to tap into the life of Christ within me so that I can resolve the issues, offer forgiveness, and walk in love. In essence...Try A Different Approach...TA-DA!!!

To get the most out of life we must remain connected to the Creator of life. To get the most out of our faith then we must remain in fellowship with the Author and Finisher of faith. God has the perfect design on lasting relationships. He has demonstrated love, forgiveness, and mercy through Jesus Christ. His Spirit in us makes every good thing possible in our relationships, in our lives, and in our faith. But we must make the initiative to give Him control then learn how to take our directions from Him.

My heart for you (for each of us) is that we experience the same quality of life that Jesus enjoys. Scripture teaches us that we are partakers of His Divine Nature. If we are missing out on that - it's not His fault. Only the truth we experience has the possibility to set us free. When we agree with His Word and His nature in our lives then possibilities are endless. I think it's time that we learn how to give Him everything. It's time we learn how to approach life from His perspective. I think it's time that we stop following after what seems to be right in our own eyes and learn how to "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight." [Proverbs 3:5-6]

Enjoy the Journey!!!

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