Before posting today's blog I decided to do an image search on healing. I was shocked to find that almost every image listed under "Healing" was associated with "New Age" thought. It saddens me when I think that we have allowed other people to set the agenda in the area of healing. It's also unfortunate that many followers of Christ simply do not know where to stand in this area. My purpose in sharing all of this with you today is to bring you the testimony of a lady in our PBC Family. I pray that you will be encouraged to stand fast in your faith and to not be so quick to believe the opinion of others.
The lady that I am speaking of was recently diagnosed with cancer. Her unwillingness to accept one doctors diagnosis led her to ask for prayer and to seek out another opinion. Our church family anointed her with oil, laid hands on her, and prayed the prayer of faith (James 5). Her first trip to a hospital in Texas revealed that there was "something" there but they could not confidently say that it was cancer. The faith of our friend was unshakable. She simply did not believe she had cancer and that if she did that God had healed her.
Her faith journey led her on several return trips to the hospital in Texas. Test after test was run that left doctors shaking their heads. I'm not saying that they were trying to find cancer. I simply believe that they were trying to make sure that it wasn't there. Bone marrow tests, scans, and eventually biopsies were done to determine whether or not the cancer was gone. You have to understand that many of these tests were run because they kept thinking something was wrong. They thought it was in her blood. They thought that it was there but had moved. Regardless of the reason, our friend had many opportunities to lose faith. The doctors and nurses were continually surprised and encouraged by her faith and joy through the process.
Just yesterday our dear friend received confirmation that she DOES NOT have cancer!!! And it is our firm belief that the words spoken by Jesus over the woman with the issue of blood rang true in her life: "Your faith has made you well; go in peace, and be healed..."
Let me just say that regardless of where you stand on the issue of healing that God is still alive and well. God still heals and God still restores. There was no magic potion. There was no medicine that helped in the process. Her testimony of who Christ is for her is that He is HEALER. He alone deserves the praise. Her continued belief that she was healed has been confirmed and we rejoice with her.
Along this journey she had many reason to doubt. She had several "well meaning" people who tried to console her, comfort her, etc. but they were always met with the same reply: "I'm good. I don't have cancer. I'm healed." Her willingness to believe and her refusal to be discouraged is a testimony to us on how to approach life's difficulties. She displayed an unwavering faith in the goodness, love, and healing power of God.
I'm not hear to question your belief system. I'm not hear to convince you to believe in healing the way that I do. I'm simply here to offer up praise to the God who still intervenes in the lives of men and women. I'm hear to boost your confidence in a God who responds to our faith. I'm here to magnify the suffering of Christ for our benefit. And it is through testimonies such as this one that He receives the reward of His suffering.
Today I join with Isaiah to declare: "But He [Jesus] was wounded for our transgressions; He was crushed for our iniquities; upon Him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with His stripes we are healed." Isaiah 53:5
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